เผด็จการประเทศไทยกดขี่ข่มแหงประชาชนมานานหลายร้อยปี ด้วยการหลอกลวงสร้างภาพความดีที่ยิ่งใหญ่ของคนตระกูลเดียวThailand oppressive dictator abused people for hundreds of years. Deception, create good great tribe.
The dictator he's Thai nation for sure for a long time for hundreds of years. By a misleading image of the greatest good of the people, the only people oppressive dictator abused Thailand family for hundreds of years. the Deception, create good great tribe.
UK oppressive authoritarian restraint of the people for many centuries. The trick is to create a single great tribe of Thailand oppressive dictator abused people for hundreds of years. Deception, create good great tribe.
Thailand oppressive dictator abused people for hundreds of years. Deception, create good of the great tribe of one Thailand oppressive dictator abused people for hundreds of, years. Deception create good, great tribe.