Effects of flax seed. Or sunflower seeds are composed of fatty acids in the diet. To produce quality beef
bull calves at the lead, then fed a 70:30 roughage: concentrate. All parties 205 days include hay (GH), red clover silage (RC), sunflower (SS) and flax seed (FS), which is a concentrated source of animal feed. Each dish is put vegetable oil 5.4%, to eat a mixture of (SS) (FS) showed growth. And better carcass characteristics were statistically significant (P <0.05) meat which has reduced significantly (P <0.05) but increased the proportion of muscle acid Wagga City Nick (t11-. 18: 1), acid-hole Challenge Nick (c9, t11-CLA) and fatty acids (n-6) with statistical significance (FA, P <0.05) to eat a mixture of (SS) (FS. ) The yield was fitting Crimson increasingly significant statistically (P <0.05), so the feed × oilseeds are working together in a statistically significant (P <0.05) and also n. -3 FA, α-linolenic acid, and reacted together with linolenic acid Iqbal. The feeding (RC) (FS) found that an increasing proportion of muscle. Compared with feeding (GH) (RC) with growth and carcass characteristics of meat tenderness statistically significant (P <0.05), and their composition. FA affected statistically significant (P <0.05), but the overall impact of animal feed in the form of restricted FA. Compared with the effects of oil.
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