When bananas grow integers head creates an end called "the flag", and then stop and start building a new generation a bouquet of flower (inflorescence) stems containing a bouquet of soft packing is developed within the trunk harness, until eventually it just pop out the top trunk harness. Each of the constructs artificial flower bouquet stems just a single bouquet, which is known as "phase (banana heart)" (sometimes with special cases such as bananas in the Philippines build a blossom bouquet flower heads consist of five groups of small flower bouquet is purple and Red decor is a group called the "Kap" phase (thin c.Times are misunderstanding is called petal flower bouquet) between rows of flower bouquets, each sub-sub-Cho, there are 2 rows of stacked the female flowers (which can grow as a result) is located in the small flower bouquets at cone flower cluster (near the) of a person to fall at the end of a phase or portion is known as "the ferry" The ovary is lower, which means that the small petals and other parts of the flower are placed at the end of the ovary after results in artificial stems to die but shoots or lamp is developed from the eye (bud) that resulted in a banana plants for many years. If multiple shoots happening simultaneously, it is called a "different extremists" in the system of cultivation allows choen grow just shoots only to make it easier to allocate space.Development of banana output from a female group of female flowers growing group 1 is called the "comb", which a comb (hands) is approximately 20 banana bouquet of flowers growing on the comb Group result as "a (banana stem)," which may be 3-20 comb effect of banana growing without mating, thus making most of the bananas have no seeds [7]The female flowers (which would be growth as a result.) There is another section at the end of the petals and ovary (ovaries are lower (inferior))Banana output has been described as a "leathery berry (Berry ball that looks like leather)" [13] There is an external protection layer (crust) with thin straps along the length (mud terrain m-flo lieng pipe) between the shell and best eaten within. There are banana yellow soft flesh meat is sweet like candy. Banana seed looks a little circle. Some varieties have a thicker shell, there is a large solid black for varieties grown. Banana seeds are very small, almost no rest, just tiny black dots within the banana flesh only.
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