Study on knowledge about the law and the people's army of traffic police. Compare people's opinions and police officers about the land traffic law enforcement. Study on people's behavior, and about how to use a motorcycle or car, or a car on land transportation in the district, amphur Muang, buriram province, for example, group number 441 people tools used in research is a 2 set of queries. Statistics that are used to analyze the data, including the frequency per cent standard deviation, and t-test results of research are as follows: 1. The majority of police officers and citizens with knowledge about the law to land traffic Act 2522 (1979) 2. The results of the comparison of the land traffic law enforcement of the police among the public against the police officer. .3.5, police think is a problem and a threat to the land traffic law enforcement of the police as much as possible include a lack of budget, lack of supplies and tools and intervention from authority 4. The behavior that people do every once in a while driving: 1) while driving a car, traffic lights or signals to follow 2) practice in driving a car properly, and 3) are interested in things around and the traffic on the road while driving. : 1) ever sleep in, or senseless while driving and 2) like to drink liquor or alcoholic beverages while driving.
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