Guardian Angel tales with loggerMen cut firewood, firewood cut into one ... the thing is, he khwanphlat in the forest fell into the pool, "Oh, Oh, Oh ... ... ... What can I do? "It's not a swimming man cutting firewood on lamentations, because he does not have a tool for another. Guardian Angel nearby starve poor did not appear on the body, reaching down into the pool. Grab the axe, cutting firewood, either send people to "... people ... here it is not the Golden Axe, he told me my axe." Male slitting firewood does not accept so little guardian angel, one axe. "Here, it's not my ... my axe AX axes, ordinary steels not money", "the Lord is faithful." "Say someone like Chao PHO thepharak rare Golden Axe, the axe with the servants out of money as a reward, the owner then finished it's guardian angel, said the disappearance. People cut firewood. Bring gold and silver axe walked right back home. Find anybody and flaunt that. "Angel you glad?! Commissioner seat crying are now only one pool. He came a little axe, axe, axe, gold, money, it's me. " One neighbor, so what I'd like to find firewood and then pretend to throw their axes to throw into the water to rush in to stampede to rush in ... ... ... " Commissioner, this time via a tricky aspect, "guardian angel", as always, came out a little axe axe, the owner of the book gold? "," Yes, Yes, my own greedy men say "Welcome" cheaters "and" love does it with fleeting teparak gold axe and those neighbors, it does not get the axe fell into the pool at night.
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