Properties of papaya, papaya has many properties of. Is used as a herbal medicine that cures 1. Relieve the center zone, using fresh roots (1 handful) 70-90 g dry root 25-35 g cut boiled with water filters drinking only water. A 3 time 1 75 cup (ML) drink before a meal.2. Mild laxative, eating meat, papaya, mild laxative, because to help increase the number of soybean fiber food. So ripe papaya flesh will help cool light, solve the constipation.Papaya: properties.Papaya Peel - water shoe polish, ripe fruit - a benefit protection. Or cure scurvy as a laxative.Rubber from the raw - digest protein, kill the parasites.The roots of papaya diuretic, almshouse light.Used as a laxative: use the ripe fruit an unlimited number of eating the fruit.
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