In selecting food if people agree that the food must be delicious!One, in that people accept enthralled in taste, is a German food, both children and adults are the favorite anywhere with Wiener. And it's crushing, whether it is in front of the school, walking street is usually a long queuePork food and is considered as well. There is also a German restaurant in Chiang Mai was successful. A proof that German food. Recognition of Thai gourmand, such as G & M เซ็จ sauce, DOI saket,And hard to find (follow-up interview in front)
.What in the German food that makes people favorite menu. What people favorite special, so we went to talk to the owners of the open house German food in Chiang Mai. And ask his opinion of them. You Olav.Lodge (face) you 22 Udo from here of DAE. Get (), and you 27 Geun tipstaff from G & m sauce set three service traditional German food store Taste delicious, calories is quite high. Moreover
.From the thapae gate Lodge only with both
meals hard or be full comfortably fit. "The modern German food!"With the personal opinion of each of you that is quite similar to that, because what most Thai people's favorite German food. The following is the conclusion and its. Derived from our discussion
. Why people likes German foodMany Thai people likes German food. As a westerner like Thai food because of the novelty, appearance and special food enriched with taste. So the quantity of served a big plate be worth the money.
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