Thai people believe that ghosts can give you, or the punishment. If the altar is not valid, such as the ghost King is the water beings arak. each upstream, where he is on a high Hill. The ghost King, often by large trees. The villagers brought the ghost Tower comes from the fact that planting trees is fixed under these rather. The ghost King water is any water source will usually have a name along the River, such as ghost and Meng is the ancestor spirits, according to the belief of Lanna. Ghost mail section of the city to understand that derived from ancient rituals or ethnic Mon. Spirit or ghost that maintains ' the Lord is stationed somewhere as a County maintenance. Therefore, Ancient people when traveling and where the break is often told that permission every time.In addition to these ghosts, and in each there are also many local ghost like ghosts ghost ghost as chakla or kla tend to sing people to claim to eat food. When they sing, who displays an unusual manner. When people noticed it is usually requested to eat and eat so greedily eaten by kla ghost calls, but it is often written as ghosts ghost ghost shifts or the kla is the giant maintain places such as temples, the caves, or a place where there is treasure buried or hidden. The ghosts of giant kla escort those properties until owners to receive those assets. In the case of the giant Temple in kla ghost story that is often a spirit of discipline or an Abbot. When the dead come not. It must serve as an escort until the end of measurement. The shape of a ghost giant kla said uncertain as pork large body is copper, they are all completely black, big dog, etc.The ghosts are bound with the lifestyle of the Thai people, but from the ancient birth until death finally resulting in restrictions or heater. In the Northeast, that are the same or differ in each region, for example do not tap the plate of rice, don't sweep at home at night or prohibit cremation Friday, etc.
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