When the 12 day - October 26 , 2550, and I joined the other members of the Executive Management, library from the University of 6 have the opportunity to see work at state library state New York Ohio Washington DC and the state in the United States11 this is a library of the University of 6 ห้องสมุดประชาชน 3 and the organization that provides information on the other 2 of which will be discussed here in the University library and only ห้องสมุดประชาชน
University library to visit all the 6 of them are in the State, including Ohio
1. Bierce Library, The University Akron
city of Akron 2. Libraries and Media Services, Kent State University Kent city
3. Ackerman Library, The Ohio State University Columbus city
4. Science and Engineering Library,The Ohio State University Columbus
city 5. William H.Doane Library & Seeley G.Mudd Learning Center, Denison University
Granville 6. Courtright Memorial Library, Otterbein College Westerville city
This is the number of the Library 2 library of the University of private sector is a library of Denison University Otterbein College and.There is management, procurement and service
in a system, especially during lent, which is a library service, library, the library because they focus on the importance of information resources are available any user who wants toAll of them are members of library OhioLink which is a cooperation between the share resources, the Ohio State University in addition, each library is also a member of the group, such as the library of small library Denison UniversityThe cooperation between the Library, the Ohio 5 Otterbein College library is a member of the collaboration between private colleges throughout Ohioresults can be available to library information resources sufficient for the needs of the user
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