I woke up friends bathing waiting because friends want makeup, so I woke up first and bath line. But sensitive enough to shower in bath, so I finished bathing buddies. I spent 15 minutes in the bath and the finished dress in 15 minutes. We go cycling, but visit the cafeteria before eating up study. I start 8:30 am every day except Wednesday. The wake is a good story. Body tired, but it was fresh all day, especially if the study Monday. I quit to study subjects and up to 5 6:30 pm. Lunch time is 1 hour. On Monday, it is that I'm very tired and fatigue cause awakening in the morning on Mondays and Tuesdays after school, and I always go to rice, cold or tired with comprehension, do homework, Ball Hall. Their homework enough it will get a bath and go to bed, in order to have time to relax after tired from a full day of classes.
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