Results and reviews
1. Isolation of bacteria from the corn
.From the isolation of bacteria from the corn seed bacteria tend to be bacteria that cause disease has the characteristics of colony, clear yellow, round, shiny. Smooth edges, the number of 34 isolates when cultured on NA and when the test features Graham.% Potassium hydroxide (KOH) showed that all isolates were gram-negative
.2 proof relay disease and bacterial disease
. Ability test in the induction of the reaction HR on 3 test plant species, including tobacco, pepper and tomato concentration tend to be different bacterial infections. P.Ananatis can induce different HR showed that pepper is a test plant with a response the occurrence of 15 HR isolates, while 19 isolates caused. HR on aurantiaca, which doesn't happen HR.Cultivar specific) and the population of the disease in the induced reaction HR Azegami et al.(1983) reports that prepare inocula of bacterial in the form of a bacterial suspension in injection HR that resulted in no HR due to population 108 infections CFU / ml. No cause HR may require the use of more than 108 population CFU / ml when testing for diseases.Bacteria suspension in stem of corn found. Of all the isolates induce corn test showed signs of irregular shape. The middle wound wound was born. Pale yellow appear as white spot after inoculation for 12 days Fig.1
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