Market Analysis (MARKET ANALYSIS) current call center (Call Center) as a way to gain popularity rather than one channel of communication between corporate customers. As well as with vendors or suppliers, as well as receive information. From both a response to the complaint or provide benefits. Superb organization, customers, suppliers and the general public in the year 2549 Business Outsourcing Call Center in Thailand, with a total market capitalization of approximately 5,000 million baht, the leader in marketing the company to One Contacts Co., Ltd., with revenue of approximately 1,250 million baht. With a market share of 25%, followed by True Touch Ltd. has approximately 500 million baht, with a market share of 10% for TOT revenues of about 250 million baht a share. 5% market diagram showing Share Business Call center year 2549 TOT TRUE TOUCH 5% 10% OTHER ONE TO ONE 60% 25% Market (Market Trend) direction Business Call Center in the second half (of 2550) that. There will be more clarity on various projects. Especially in the public sector Due to the current crisis And politics began to unravel And then clear up With many The organization began to turn its attention to developing services with greater efficiency. Businesses in the private sector itself is also very active as well. In particular, the insurance sector. And financial services with the Call Center.
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