Science has played a vital role in today's world and the future. The science involves everyone, both in everyday life and the various careers. As well as technology and productivity tools that man has used the man had used to facilitate his life and work. These are the findings of scientific knowledge. Combined with the creative and other disciplines. Humans have developed algorithms that allow rationality. The creative thinking skills to analyze, synthesize knowledge to solve problems systematically. Decisions by using a variety of information. There is verifiable evidence Based on a scientific basis The culture and society of learning (Department of Education, 2544 Page 1) as the core curriculum of Basic Education Act 2551 defines the performance of learners 5, namely the ability to think of the students are thinking. Synthetic think Creative thinking Critical thinking and systems thinking. To lead to the creation of knowledge or information. In order to make decisions about themselves and society appropriately. (Office of National Education. The Prime Minister, 2548 Pages 21-22) In addition, the Ministry of Education has determined that the learning activities in science education curriculum BE 2551 focus groups to learn and develop themselves. By developing their own The study considered the most important. Teachers need to modify the role as mentor support to help transfer students to learn. Modifications to the course and want to know what they should know. By acquiring knowledge from media Various resources Who can provide information that is accurate, creative learners to develop their own natural. Full potential According to the needs of learners Community and social (Department of Education (2551 Page 1)
which corresponds to Pongtep Si Bun Rot (2545, page foreword) said. Today, we are all human relationships. Linked to science and technology I said, We fall under the influence of science and technology can not be avoided since birth until death finally. The role and importance of science and technology on the lives of the people we'll be adding more every day. The science and technology is relevant to almost every activity in daily life since we got to sleep again. When he had to rely on science or yield. Science and technology will sleep comfortably. Said that the development of life as a basic human need, whether it's food. Clothing, medicine, transportation, communication, etc. all require scientific knowledge is the basis of
the educational achievement of students' abilities in various fields. Which caused students to experience the teaching process. The study method to measure and evaluate. Development of the quality. The expression can be measured in three areas: the mental and cognitive skills range. This achievement in science. Students get to know the content of scientific knowledge. Scientific Process Need science achievement as two parts of the test data of National Education (O-NET) dating back three years, from 2554 -2556 school year found that student achievement in science. Students of Thailand held in a low threshold. Every year, with the average score lower than 50 per cent may have caused the low academic performance in science subjects. It comes from many factors, such as Attitude that science is difficult. As a result, learners and other causes boredom factor is how teachers. While most teachers are trying to figure out how to teach a wide range. To encourage students to learn. Study skills But found that teaching by lecturing. Let's focus on memorization Activities that focus on teaching teachers is more important to focus on the learners. It is not improved student achievement (Eumporn prosperity Lin et al 2552)
from this problem it is necessary to adjust teaching styles. In addition, part of the continued learning. It is important to measure the teaching and understanding of students to retain what they have learned or experienced what it perceived to exist. After being left for a while. And can remember or research out of the situation is needed. The events are told to learn from experience, direct and indirect. Cumulative ago After a period of one (Sal Si Wong, 2526)
for the activity of teaching science. To encourage students to learn the effective maximum potential. Students gain the knowledge and The insights that Teaching and learning can take many forms. But to achieve the goals of the course students should be taught science for students to develop research skills. Science process skills Known as a solution, as well as students with the knowledge and awareness that the idea is to teach using technology or media, motion picture, it is one way. Gives students the excitement keen not feel compelled to learn. This will help you learn better. As well as independent Learning to learn as much recognition for this technology has changed dramatically. The cyber world And learning through the internet, it is part of the course that can be used literally. One such method is the use of multimedia teaching. Thus, the learning activities that complement the science, the media mix. It is what allows students to learn effectively. Understanding lessons complicated.
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