Water, juice, water hyacinth2. dye, sulfur 3. the printed form Various formats. 4. the scissors, wire gauge, hammer, ruler. 5. Polish, van8. fabric, zipper Stages of production craft woven water hyacinthMaterials used in products from water hyacinth by normal use of the petiole of the water hyacinth that has just the right size and age. Preparing stem water hyacinth to make various products, it has a similar method. Differ somewhat depending on the format of the desired product, which has a big step 5 step is drying. Dye the water hyacinth and smoked The drying1. Select the trunk should choose light or no stems, no skin are not defective, or the bending length. Approx. 80-100 cm 2. cut the stems should be cut from the tip of the cone to the shank length. for cleaning. 3. water hyacinth cut later cleaned and then divided into two sections by the length required to split from the cone to the tip, or Tak as kan. 4. drying the sunlight for 5-7 days. Dye 1. dye to make colorful crochet products materials according to need. Only colours, water hyacinth is the basic color. 2. boil water and melt it down to color. 3. water hyacinth dry stem down the stain. 4. stain in boiling water for 20-30 seconds then brought out and used to clean water rinse drying. The water hyacinth As this line of vegetables, made through spanking then dried to make flat surfaces for easy comparison of various products using the format in which a cylindrical roller with 2 balls. The absence of a table by using the rim to catch the two handles, water hyacinth line ends on both sides and attach the table pull-pull till the Ridge water hyacinth flat. • Lick was doing lines water hyacinth came rolling through cutting edge hair water hyacinth with a uniform size. Get the width of the lines of water hyacinth to suit convenient product invention and there is beauty in a case that doesn't have a lick can use knives or scissors, cutting edges, lines, water hyacinth, according to the length of the desired size. Smoked products made from water hyacinth.If it is damp or water mist will cause fungus. So before you bring the water hyacinth as a product has to prevent the fungus first. How easy it is to fumigate with sulfur by removing water hyacinth that is dried and then go before water hyacinth as a product. Has to prevent the fungus first. How easy it is to fumigate with sulfur to make sulfur smoke baked water hyacinth by going. About a day to make the protected the fungus. Décor.In when the product the desired format, then there must be a pretty down, Polish. Put the shoulder strap Put a bead of fabric pavement. Insert the zipper according to customer's demand or according to the required format. Tricks/tips in production. Selecting a rod water hyacinth that is not too soft and not newsworthy. Then bring to drying. Before water hyacinth as a product has to prevent the fungus first is smoked with sulfur to prevent fungus from moisture. When a product, and then the last step is to put the beads. The strap handle must use techniques and creative experience.
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