HELLO KITTY biography The name Kitty White was born in London, England November 1 the terrace boasts. Female nationality England height as A result blood Apple Apple 3 5 ball weight balls are bright, cheerful and Kitty wont be good warm favourites to your mother's Apple Pie. Well done Kitty menu section is made of candy, cookies, like toothpaste, Strawberry. The learning section Department, of Kitty is an English music and art on the part of Kitty's family with his mother Mary and George you ya the ret. Your grandfather, Anthony, and sister twins Kitty but soundly frequently fearful and neat habits is very Kitty Mimmy apart from this name also has a pet cat breeder Persian Charmmy Kitty is the most cute and Hamster gift from young Daniel, her hip neighbor named Sugar. HELLO KITTY is a service from company San raek prices Oh country Japan. Hello Kitty in 1974, a year later it was launched officially debuted in Japan country. Designed by Yuko Shimizu as a white cat. The short tail or cat breeder Japan Japanese Bobtail, and Kitty is a British nationality.
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