Odor molecules can be perceived in one of two ways: Orthonasally (by sniffing in) as in when one smells odors from the external environment, and retronasally (by breathing out) as in when one tastes food in the mouth.
Odor molecules can be perceived in one of two ways: Orthonasally (by sniffing in) as in when one smells odors from the external environment, and retronasally (by breathing out) as in when one tastes food in the mouth.
Can be perceived odor molecules in One of Two Ways:. Orthonasally (by sniffing in) When One Smells As in odors. from The external Environment, and Retronasally (by Breathing. out) As in When Food Tastes One in The Mouth.
Odor molecules can be perceived in one of two ways: Orthonasally (by sniffing in) as in when one smells odors from the. External, environment and retronasally (by breathing out) as in when one tastes food in the mouth.