Objective to study the design and build aircraft 4 blades, and test the performance and stability of 4 aircraft propellers. The design of a cross, to provide a balanced using the boards as Ah see Gino mega 2560, controls the operation of four aircraft propellers and using the GY-80 module helps in balance. Use of the software, called Multiwii, and displays the work through the program, the Wingui. The experiment by having the percentage values in each direction as follows: 0.2% North West 1.06% 1.83% of the South East 0.9%, duration of test batteries on the fly. The values obtained from the experiments is 14.85 minutes each charge takes minutes of all trials, 85.33 makes the work of four blades and can maintain balance and movement can be controlled effectively keywords: Aeronautics, 4 blades, see Gino mega 2560, maintain balance.
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