The theoretical foundations supporting Content Based Instruction in English language Learning derive from cognitive learning theory and Second Language Acquisition research. Cognitive learning theory posits that in the process of acquiring literacy skills, students progress through a series of three stages, that is the cognitive, the associative , and the autonomous.In the cognitive stage, learners notice and attend to information in working memory, and they gradually develop a rough mental presentation of task requirements. In the associative stage , learner refine and strengthen this representation but still consciously attend to rules and sometimes need outside support when performing the task. Finally, in the autonomous stage, the task representation is increasingly refined, and learners are now able to perform the task automatically and autonomously.
ผลลัพธ์ (
แอฟริกา) 1:
Die Grondslae ondersteun teoretiese inhoud gebaseerde onderrig in die Engelse taal van kognitiewe Leerteorie en Leer Lei Tweede Taal Verkryging Navorsing. Kognitiewe leerteorie postuleer dat in die proses van die verkryging van geletterdheidsvaardighede studente vorder deur middel van 'n reeks van drie fases, wat die kognitiewe, die assosiatiewe en die autonomous.In die kognitiewe stadium leerders sien en luister na inligting in die werkende geheue, en. hulle geleidelik ontwikkel 'n rowwe geestelike aanbieding van taakvereistes. In die assosiatiewe stadium leerder verfyn en versterk hierdie verteenwoordiging, maar nog steeds bewus te woon om reëls en soms moet buite ondersteuning by die verrigting van die taak. Ten slotte, in die outonome stadium die taak verteenwoordiging word toenemend verfyn, en leerders is nou in staat om die taak outomaties en selfstandig uit te voer.
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