Why are people so we want to laugh at is to tickle?If there are any people who reason that laugh that person is happy, then why don't people like oboe flute is to tickle. Then why do we have time to tickle ourselves, we never laugh rolling to rolling.The scholars in ancient times since Aristotle, Plato, Socrates, Bacon, Galileo, Darwin even suggested he was dazed and wondering. In the past the nature of Socrates, as well as to tickle has found that if a mild to tickle people are happily conceived to tickle the but if it is to tickle. Who is going to tickle severely would feel like it was ever to maltreat. "Aristotle noted that cause people to tickle ourselves, laugh not. Because our brain to be aware in advance that we are going to be to tickle, but if we are not aware of it before, but we'll feel a lot to tickle. Best Bacon, have found that even though people are worried or feel sad either, but at least he lived to tickle the laugh when they do not.Many of today's psychologists are interested in studying the nature of American Scientist publications as well as to tickle issue 87. July-August 2542 (1999) the San Diego California University Harris C.R. in the United States has proposed that, in view of the scientist to tickle has two meanings in the first meaning is to tickle the feeling that occurs when the skin is a light material such as feathers or cotton balls to coat with a kiss, even though the process to coat with a kiss to end to have the skin of a person who has been to coat with a kiss cotton still feels that the other person wants to tickle up to a kiss directly on the big room and location.Constitutionally conceived to tickle intense, so I feel less chakchi. To this effect, cannot be made to tickle the other person is head of the oek; kadai. On the other hand, one of it is to tickle sensation that occurs at the time a part of the body such as neck, armpit and waist or with sikhang fingers stimulated or material. How to tickle as this can cause those were to tickle laugh.Biology, researchers have found that not only are the only ones who feel even more animals to tickle feels to tickle as well. As we often see horses used to hang the insect swarm around to climb up the rounded wave based on it. This is because it feels that its skin to tickle themselves. The laugh is to tickle it often happens only animals. Types of monkeys (which includes people with) only.Harris thinks that in order to understand the relationship between to tickle the laugh we want to understand the psychology of the people in the areas that relate to feeling funny. And the interaction between people with social environments, such as when we feel we are amusing to laugh happily, but when we were ready to tickle, to laugh, but laugh is another one that we don't like more. Because we know that people have been hurt and pain to tickle the guarantee if it is continuous and severe to tickle the person may have died as has the evidence shown in the books of Jacob Christoffel von Grimmelshausen written last year, there were 2226 bandits force invaded Rob farmer and then arrested the farmer sleeping next to a bundle of rope, and then remove the salt farmer's feet to repel it. A herd of goats, the salt lick the feet until the farmer died in the end.But there are also many psychologists who believe that to tickle (but just gently) Can make people be happy to tickle. In the case of infants, which we often see babies heads off his grilled-oek is sure to tickle the baby, but there are times when life was more to tickle a baby way back some people to persecute or torture on a friend.For reasons that make people laugh, it was time to tickle. Psychologists such as A.J. Fridlund. ever try using baby and have found that when a baby is to tickle their parents. Infants aged less than 6 months will be laughing a lot, and often times there are casual mood, laughing baby is stressed and in normal people who come to tickle than he usually walked with a staff page so there's a face in a good mood, it would be induced to laugh, baby, but Harris did not agree with this conclusion, because people who take her to tickle a baby wearing a mask to obscure faces and emotions, the baby seen. The baby was still a laugh anyway.Harris also has another trial found that laughing because it was funny, because the sensation to tickle the laugh is a laugh in different forms in the konnihua in the payment information on payment because a full skirt early stage will be less, but over time, people's sense of humor, lastly is better and it's going to laugh and there. It is why he organized the famous comedy actor, late in the show out of it, but for a laugh because it is more comprehensive, but not to tickle. No matter how to tickle at the beginning or the end.Best for puzzles that laugh because it is to tickle with relationships between people to tickle him and who was more or less just to tickle any will or not. In the past, A.Koestler have found that people who have been to tickle the laugh if they saw people come to tickle him did not aim to harm him but do they want to provoke only play itself, so in the view of Koestler laughing because it was so to tickle, depending on the relationship between the pair of cases and for this reason, it has been concluded that the people Koertler devices (which do not have a life) to tickle is not laughing at all. Because he has no ties with the spirit from the House.
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