Section 1. General Provisions
Article 1. These regulations enacted unless stated otherwise. The provisions of the Civil and Commercial Code in respect of a company coming into force
of this Regulation 2. If there is a reasonable amendment would be proposed to the shareholders to organize, edit, or statutory changes to
Section 2. Shares and shareholders
Article 3. The Company's shares are ordinary shares, fully paid anonymously to take stock. And shares of a company must have at least one director to sign and seal of the Company
4. The transfer of shares shall be in writing and signed by the transferor and the transferee. The witness, at least one sign. And will be applied to companies or individuals outside only when the record companies to transfer it into the register of shareholders and
5. The Company's holdings of its own shares or pledge not
classified 3. Directors
6. Board. Directors of the Company will amount to a general meeting of shareholders is scheduled
7. If a director becomes vacant due to reasons other than retirement by rotation. The committee will select others on its behalf. But for a time in the office only to schedule the retiring Director is like to live
8. The Conference Board of Directors must attend in person at least half of the Company shall constitute a quorum advisers
Article 9. . The board is responsible for managing all of the company. And the election of a chairman among themselves, one
group 4. Meeting of Shareholders
Article 10. a general meeting of shareholders within six months from the date of incorporation and then to keep them there. one conference every year The conference also called for the meeting. And meeting all other death also known as the Extraordinary General Meeting
Article 11. The Board will call an extraordinary meeting whenever it thinks fit. Or when shareholders of not less than one-fifth of the shares of the company names to a letter in the same issue request to call an extraordinary meeting or
12. Notice of the General Meeting to be published in a local newspaper. One time prior to the Meeting, not less than seven days. And mailed response to all shareholders who are registered in the registration of the Company prior to the Meeting, not less than seven days. Unless a Notice of extraordinary general meeting to vote. Such action prior to the meeting, not less than fourteen days
Article 13. Shareholders who can not attend the meeting in person. May appoint a proxy to attend on his behalf
in Article 14. The shareholders' meeting. The chairman sat as chairman if the chairman or the chairman did not attend the event that, 15 minutes to the meeting to shareholders who attend the chairmanship of
Article 15 of the Convention. Major shareholders are required to attend a combination of shares is not less than a quarter of the capital to form a quorum. The vote to choose a majority. If the votes are equal The chairman of the meeting shall have a casting vote in another sound
balance sheet category 5.
Article 16 lists the number of directors shall prepare a balance sheet of assets and liabilities to the income statement every year to the accounts of the company. Beginning on January 1 and ending December 31 of each year
17. Balance Sheet of the Company shall have one auditor to check and presented for approval at a shareholders' meeting within four. months from the date of the balance sheet, the
Group 6. Dividends and reserves
18. dividends every time. Companies must be earmarked as reserve at least one-twentieth of the net profit, which the company made available from the Company. Until such reserve amounts to one tenth of the total capital of the company or the
group, the liquidator 7.
Article 19. The liquidation of the Company to be who and how many. And the powers of the liquidator to give any general meeting of shareholders is defined by these regulations reflect the consensus of the meeting on April 22, 2558.
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