Hi HIGMy name is Chris lives in Thailand and the country as a company employee working on human resources. I am currently single and has never married before.Most of my activity, exercise and relax with nature. I live in the southern areas of the country, Thailand. Koh Samui, ThailandHope that you will recognize this attraction. I am now 37 years of age, and I'm just this past birthday anniversary. On October 15, this 2559This year is the year that the country, Thailand has lost is the greatest King, which is the Center and the heroines of Thailand in both countries people.Now, at 10.30 am as Thailand country at the morning, I think the time of England and Thailand seems to be 6 hours away.If you are willing to contact me via skye id muay_cris.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..