This action research aimed to develop a model of care and rehabilitation of psychiatric patients in the community that are appropriate to the context of the area and the participation of those involved in order to comply with the problems.It needs of patients with the application of the process.(AIC) to create the program. Participatory learning and problem analysis
.The study was carried out in the area of responsibility of the hospital sapphaya, students. Patients with a history of a medical medicine uneven, lack of medicine, and symptoms of chronic illness for over 2 years of 40 people.Planning and implementation, and evaluation. Data collection and analysis of qualitative data. Conducted between October 2556 - June 2557
.The results showed that the model can improve psychiatric patient care in communities with appropriate. And guidelines for caring for psychiatric patients in both hospital and community clear and concrete.(Case Manager) was born in the cooperation with community leaders. Local governments to support the budget. Lead the network take care of psychiatric patients in the community, Khlong Hoi Khong district with strength.From the results of this research, suggestions Agencies involved in the care of psychiatric patients in the community can bring development. Applied to fit the problems of mentally ill patients and community context.Key words: a model of care for psychiatric patients in the community,. Guidelines for psychiatric patient care
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