Dearest WORK, Because of you, i'm forgetting all of romance and some of stupid things.. I promise that i'll give all of my time to take care of you.. i'm so crazy for you alone, too much very much.. Always Yours, Grace..
Dearest WORK,Because of you, i'm forgetting all of romance and some of stupid things.. I promise that i'll give all of my time to take care of you.. i'm so crazy for you alone, too much very much..Always Yours,Grace..
Dearest WORK, Because of You, I'm forgetting all of Romance and Some of Stupid Things .. I Promise I'll give that time to take all of My Care of You .. I'm so alone Crazy for You, Too much. very much .. Always Yours, Grace ..
Dearest WORK Because, of you I ', m forgetting all of romance and some of stupid things... I promise that I' ll give all of. My time to take care of you... I 'm so crazy for, you alone too much very much...