Wednesday 6 June 2555
happy, suffering the same
.Many people say that happiness and suffering are the opposite. The feeling is different. And no one can choose the suffering. Everybody likes and attempt to get the happiness belongs to myself.In fact, whether happy or sad, that is, at the same time we see that happy. Actually is suffering received response. The troubles that have reduced every reason is happened!A simple example, the time that the body needs energy, cause hunger to eat. Hunger is feeling, suffering, when to eat, so full of. Have water suspension suffering. But people can't tell whether or not it think therefore assumeBut actually, happiness from eating. It's just straight tongue. When the swallow down the throat already delicious is swallowed up. We feel happy so delicious. Because suffering hunger and appetite. It has been treated for a long while.All that we have to bully is happy enough when pain is formed, such as starting the hungry again or not hungry, but meet the food looks good. Or hear others appreciate that the store is delicious. We want more.We get addicted to it. Because we're stuck feeling think prepared according to our needs. Even some people will say His appetite was not hurt anyone because there are factors (money) ready to exchange took ความรู้สึกเป็นสุข.We can understand and know just enough, satisfied with what we have. Don't get lost with the power of passion to loop end
.The teacher.Anxiety. Said we consume the basic value with value 2 is one, the true value of artificial สองคุณค่า. The true value is the real benefits of it. The value false is latent advantage of them.Whether clothes clothing, medicine, vehicle, home, etc.!
.For example, we have the car. The real value of the car is used as a vehicle, the value of it is artificial This brand is a version that if we sit and the police couldn't catch. The driver from the face look normal.This does not mean that the use of the brand name is wrong. If we are buying and not to encroach. But to live in a world without known life.We will waste time waste energy of thought with the object. Until there is no time to do anything!Our king has used the name brand watches in spruce 40 years. You haven't changed a brand, not ไม่เปลี่ยนเครื่อง, but you still use the original brands. Not because he saw that this brand is used like this, it is very useful.Not fashionable. You are a good example of living according to need not live according to the satisfaction!Happy or sad, as a result of what we suppose, the things that happened, it is it fully, but we are the people feeling down. If the thing or event that we like. We like or as expected.On the other hand, we like, not in order, suffering, it will occur in mind, we immediately. So, be happy or sad, as a result of what we choose to look. A large white sheet of paper with black spots. Are found.It is whether we choose to look at but the black spots. Or white space more
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