แบบ บอจ. 3รายการจดทะเบียนจัดตั้งบริษัท ……………………………………………………….………….จําก การแปล - แบบ บอจ. 3รายการจดทะเบียนจัดตั้งบริษัท ……………………………………………………….………….จําก อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

แบบ บอจ. 3รายการจดทะเบียนจัดตั้งบริ

แบบ บอจ. 3

บริษัท ……………………………………………………….………….จํากัด
ี่ ………………………………………..
(ทุน.……………...…………………...…........บาท แบงออกเปน……………………..………...หุน มูลคาหุนละ ……………..….….…บาท)
(ตัวอักษร) (ตัวเลข)
ขอ 1. จํานวนหุนท
อหรือไดจัดออกใหแลว ……………………...หุน (……………….…….)
เปนหุนสามัญ ………………….…หุน (……..………..) ชนิดเดียว / และหุนบุริมสิทธิ ……………………...หุน (……………….…….)
ขอ 2. จํานวนหุนสามัญและหุนบุริมสิทธิคือ
ก. หุนสามัญ ซึ่งตองใหใชเปนเงินจนเต็มคา (ลงเงินเต็มมูลคา) ……………………...หุน (……………….…….)
และ ซึ่งออกใหเหมือนหน
งวาไดใชเต็มคาแลว (ไมตองลงเงินเลย) ……………………...หุน (……………….…….)
ไดใชแตบางสวนแลว หุนละ ………………บาท (ลงเงินเพียงหุนละ………..บาท) ……………………...หุน (……………….…….)
ข. หุนบุริมสิทธิซึ่งตองใหใชเปนเงินจนเต็มคา (ลงเงินเต็มมูลคา) ……………………...หุน (……………….…….)
และ ซึ่งออกใหเหมือนหน
งวาไดใชเต็มคาแลว (ไมตองลงเงินเลย) ……………………...หุน (……………….…….)
ไดใชแตบางสวนแลว หุนละ ……….……..บาท (ลงเงินเพียงหุนละ…….….บาท) ……………………...หุน (……………….…….)
ขอ 3. จํานวนเงินท
ี่ไดใชแลวแตละหุน (เฉพาะหุนท
ลงเงิน) คือ
ก. หุนสามัญ ซึ่งตองลงเงินเต็มมูลคาไดใชเงินคาหุนแลวหุนละ ……………………..บาท (……………….…….)
และ ซึ่งตองลงเงินเพียงหุนละ ……………..….บาท ไดใชเงินคาหุนแลวหุนละ ……………………..บาท (……………….…….)
ข. หุนบุริมสิทธิซึ่งตองลงเงินเต็มมูลคาไดใชเงินคาหุนแลว หุนละ ……………………..บาท (……………….…….)
และ ซึ่งตองลงเงินเพียงหุนละ ………………...บาท ไดใชเงินคาหุนแลว หุนละ ……………………..บาท (……………….…….)
ขอ 4. จํานวนเงินท
งสิ้น คือ
ก. หุนสามัญ ซึ่งตองลงเงินหุนละ …………………..บาท ไดรับเงินคาหุนไวแลว …..………………บาท
และ ซึ่งตองลงเงิน (บางสวน) เพียงหุนละ ………………….บาท ไดรับเงินคาหุนไวแลว …………………..บาท
ข. หุนบุริมสิทธิซึ่งตองลงเงินหุนละ ……………………...บาท ไดรับเงินคาหุนไวแลว …………………..บาท
และ ซึ่งตองลงเงิน (บางสวน) เพียงหุนละ ……….………..…บาท ไดรับเงินคาหุนไวแลว ………………..…บาท
งสิ้น ………………………………..บาท (…………...………………………...……)
ขอ 5. ชื่อและท
อยูของกรรมการทุกคนของบริษัท จํานวน ……………………คน ดังปรากฏรายละเอียดในแบบ ก. ที่แนบ
ขอ 6. จํานวนหรือช
อผูกพันบริษัท คือ
(ลงลายมือชื่อ)……………………………………………..……………… กรรมการผูขอจดทะเบียน
หนา …………ของจํานวน ………….หนา (ลงลายมือชื่อ) ………………………………………….นายทะเบียน
ี่ …………………………/…………. (……….……..…….….…………………….)
แบบ บอจ. 3
ขอ 7. บริษัทนี้ตั้งข
ึ้นโดย มี/ไมมี กําหนดอายุ……………………………………………………..…...…………………………
ขอ 8. สํานักงานของบริษัท มี …………………แหงคือ
สํานักงานแหงใหญ เลขรหัสประจําบาน--ตั้งอยูเลขท
ี่ ..................... ชั้นท
ี่.............. หมูบาน...................................................... หมูที่.............. ตรอก/ซอย......................................................
ถนน......................................................... ตําบล/แขวง..................................................................อําเภอ/เขต.......................................................
จังหวัด........................................................... รหัสไปรษณีย ....................................................... หมายเลขโทรศัพท...........................................
สํานักงานสาขา (1) เลขรหัสประจําบาน --ตั้งอยูเลขท
ี่ ..................... ชั้นท
ี่.............. หมูบาน...................................................... หมูที่............. ตรอก/ซอย.......................................................
ถนน......................................................... ตําบล/แขวง..................................................................อําเภอ/เขต.......................................................
จังหวัด........................................................... รหัสไปรษณีย ....................................................... หมายเลขโทรศัพท...........................................
ขอ 9. รายการอยางอ
งเห็นสมควรจะใหประชาชนทราบ มีดังน
ขอ 10. ตราของบริษัท มีดังท
ขอ 11. บริษัทนี้ตั้งข
ึ้นโดย มี / ไมมี ขอบังคับ
หนา …………ของจํานวน ………..หนา บริษัท ……………………………………………………จํากัด
ี่ ………..……………....../…….…… (ลงลายมือชื่อ)…………..….….…………….……นายทะเบียน
จาก: -
เป็น: -
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
The bot, 3.The recognition of Tenzin Gyatso, the bakery products.ีYonchat setบริษัท ……………………………………………………….………….จํากัดRegistration number ...ี่ ………………………………………..(ทุน.……………...…………………...…........บาท Brand  chest  their  Hussain-Pedro-Hotel information ......................................  Hussain  nala ............................ baht)(The letter) (number)(B) number of  not  Hussain 1 p.ั้Ngotิ้NosNgadai   าช crossed with youngerื่Osื้ out  between supply anhydrous arue Lae . ...........................  Hussain-(..........................)Pedro   -Hussain ......................... nasaman nahu (...................) Just type/, and  naburimsitthi-Hussain Hussain ........................... (..........................)B  2 p..  of naburimsitthi and  Hussain Hussain nasaman:A. Hussain   support  studies, nasaman. Pedro   nangoen full า c (า c content of the full amount):  Hussain (..........................) ...........................And issued as one  disruption.ึ่งว     (c) full support against Lae  Kyō (onglong  I  my money.) ……………………...หุน (……………….…….)The    but by shutting down some of the walking cycle Lae . Hussain  nala .................. THB (down only Hussain  nala ........... baht):  Hussain (..........................) ...........................ข. nabu  Hussain   studies on the rights support.  Pedro  nangoen full า c (า c content of the full amount):  Hussain (..........................) ...........................And issued as one  disruption.ึ่งว     (c) full support against Lae  Kyō (onglong  I  my money.) ……………………...หุน (……………….…….)The    but by shutting down some of the walking cycle Lae . Hussain  nala .................. THB (down only Hussain  nala ........... baht) ……………………...หุน (……………….…….)B  p 3-amount.The    the  support team:  Hussain watae (only not  Hussain.ี่Down payment):(FDA ngon   Yi า with ten percent ayon)A. Hussain  onglong  the full amount, nasaman. Mun    Silver Lake boutique hotel anhydrous, support cautioning     wahu nalae nala. ……………………..บาท (……………….…….)And that was  onglong only  Hussain   nala, the support fund/..................... c    nala  wahu nalae Hussain .......................... baht (..........................)ข. Hussain  onglong  right side, nabu was the full amount   (c)  data directory, support cautioning  money   WOR nalae c. Hussain  nala .......................... baht (..........................)And that was  onglong only  Hussain nala THB ..................... The  support    money  Hussain c nalae. Hussain  nala .......................... baht (..........................)B  p 4.-amountThe  are among    nonwom  Hussain nok Pedro suite.ั้Ngasin is.(Full information at า)A. Hussain  onglong  Hussain, nasaman. money  nala THB ....................... The  money   c   Lae nawai Hussain engineers: .......................And that was  onglong money (some of the walking cycle) just cautioning nala   Dal baht cash ...................... c  Hussain    Lae nawai. ....................... baht.ข. Hussain  onglong  right side, nabu was cautioning against money  nala THB ........................... The  money   c   Lae nawai Hussain engineers: .......................And that was  onglong money (some of the walking cycle) just cautioning  nala THB ........................ The  money   c   Lae nawai Hussain engineers: .......................(C) amount not  Hussain The  is  wonwom  Lae WAI suite.ั้งสิ้น ………………………………..บาท (…………...………………………...……)B  p 5. name and suiteี่For those of you  of all directors of the company. How many people in pop ........................ a g attachment(B) the number of hours or 6 p .ื่The intransitive Gonzalezึ่Ngalong hื่Aphukphan companies:………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………(Signed) ....................................................................... ETCs younger  registration (…………..………………….……………………………..)า means า means ............ of ............. (signed) Registrar .................................................Request for documentation suiteี่ …………………………/…………. (……….……..…….….…………………….) The bot, 3.(B) this company  7 p bThere are  to collect pumpkins/my aging ..................................................................................................B  p 8 Office of the company is ngakhue  Hae .....................Main office  ngayai  าน n tuning code number-for those of you with number -ี่.......................อาคาร.....................................................Dirty  onglek suiteี่ ..................... ชั้นที่.............. หมูบาน...................................................... หมูที่.............. ตรอก/ซอย......................................................ถนน......................................................... ตําบล/แขวง..................................................................อําเภอ/เขต.......................................................จังหวัด........................................................... Mail code  ....................................................... หมายเลขโทรศัพท...........................................หมายเลขโทรสาร.................................................E-mail…………….………….…………………….………………………………………….Branch offices (1) the identification number for those of you who remember  าน PAP-t-cat number.ี่.......................อาคาร.....................................................Dirty  onglek suiteี่ ..................... ชั้นที่.............. หมูบาน...................................................... หมูที่............. ตรอก/ซอย.......................................................ถนน......................................................... ตําบล/แขวง..................................................................อําเภอ/เขต.......................................................จังหวัด........................................................... Mail code  ....................................................... หมายเลขโทรศัพท...........................................หมายเลขโทรสาร.................................................E-mail…………….………….………………………………………………………………..B  p 9. list of karoi  customers.ื่Nosึ่Ngahen. should educate the people there know  pm.ี้………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………B  sur 10. the company's brand ...This little stamp B  p. 11. This company bThere are  to collect pumpkins/my b  abangkhap.(Signed) ............................................................. ETCs younger  registration (…………………………………………………...)One set of า า ............ ............................................................ limited company ...........Request for documentation suiteี่ (signed) ............. ................................/Registrar ............................................ (...............................................................................)
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
A Doboj. 3
items listed Bale
an established
company. ................................................................ ............. Limited
registration number for
the vehicle. ............................................. ..
(capital. ............... ..................... ... ... ... ........ baht. Blackburn  out of the  ........................ .. ......... ...  share value of the share   per ............... .. .... .... ... Baht)
(a. value) (number)
b  1. The number of shares  raised
of the
 with the startup of the   delayed
the space
or the  then removed to   it. 's share ........................ ... (................... .......)
The   common share. ...................... ...  share of (...... .. ......... ..) the same type /  shares and preferred shares. 's share ........................ ... (................... .......)
b   2. The number of shares of common and preferred shares  is
a.   ordinary shares which must be used    the full amount of the . (Fully paid-up value of the ) ........................ ...  a share. (................... .......)
and. Issued  like the
of the   full use of the  the   that is depreciated. (Not   want to put money into it) ........................ ...  a share. (................... .......)
Use the    but some of the   the  per share .................. baht (down money just ......... .. baht per share . ) ........................ ... share the  (................... .......)
b.  preferred shares which must be    use the money to fill the  the . (Fully paid-up value of the ) ........................ ...  a share. (................... .......)
and. Issued  like the
of the   full use of the  the   that is depreciated. (Not   want to put money into it) ........................ ...  a share. (................... .......)
Use the    but some of the   the  per share .......... ...... .. baht (down money just  per share ....... ... . Baht) ........................ ...  a share. (................... .......)
b  3. The amount for
the common use   after the date   per share  hrs. (Only  share mineralized
into money) is
( of at least  least twenty-five percent of   value)
a.   ordinary shares which must be fully paid-up value of the   use  payment for the share   and then  the  per share. THB ........................ .. (................... .......)
and.  which must be paid only  per share ............... .. .... Baht  the use  payment for the share   and then  the  per share. THB ........................ .. (................... .......)
b.  preferred shares which are fully paid  the value of the   use  payment for the share   and then  the ........................ .. baht per share . (................... .......)
and.  which must be paid only .................. ... baht per share  the  use  payment for the share   and then  the ........................ .. baht per share . (................... .......)
b  4. Amounts for
the region has been set   the  c   of the share, including
the end. Is
(the full value )
a.   ordinary shares which must be paid per share  ..................... .. baht has  receive payment for the share   WIRE   the future. ... .. .................. Baht
and  into which the money (some of ) just  per share ...................... Baht has  receive payment for the share   WIRE   the future. ..................... .. Baht
b.  preferred shares into which the money   per share. THB ........................ ... The  receive payment for the share   WIRE  and  it. ..................... .. Baht
and  into which the money (some of ) just  per share .......... ......... .. ... THB. The  receive payment for the share   WIRE  and  it. .................. .. ... THB
amount of the share   mineralized
region has been sensitive   the  that combine
the end. .................................... .. Baht (............ ... ...... ... ...........................)
 5. The name and
the  of all directors of the Company amounted .................. ...... celebrities as detailed in the Form. Attachment
B  6. The number or
of Director's
at the Company. Is
................................................................................................................................................... ......
................................................................................................................................................ .....................
................................................................................................................................. ....................................
.................................................................................................................. ...................................................
(Signature) .................. ................................................... .. President  applicant
(............ .. ...................... ................................. ..)
 the page. ............ ............ Amount. The  the (signed) ................................................. The registrar
documents requested for
vehicles. .............................. / ............. (.......... ...... .. ....... .... .........................)
in Doboj. 3
b  7. The company is
a racial /  not a prescribed age. ............................................................ .............................. .. ... ...
8. The  the offices of the Company ............ .........'s  is the
office of the parent  . No ID on the  - located at No. 
The building ......... ....................... ............................................
 the number for the
vehicle. ..................... Floors for
vehicles .............. Pork  on the ............................................  .......... Pork  at .............. Lane / Road ............................................... .......
roads .......................................... ............... Tambol / Kwang ............................................. ..................... district / county ........................ ...............................
.................. Province ......................................... Postal code  ............................................... ........  ........................................... phone number
, fax number. ................................................ E- mail ................ ............. ......................... .................................................
Branch Office (1) The number of ID's . The - Situated at No. 
The building ....................... ................. ....................................
 the number for the
vehicle. ..................... Floors for
vehicles .............. Pork  on the ............................................  .......... Pork  at ............. Lane / Road ............................................... ........
......................................... Street ................ Tambol / Kwang ............................................. ..................... district / county ........................ ...............................
.................. Province ......................................... Postal code  ............................................... ........  ........................................... phone number
, fax number. ................................................ E- mail ................ ............. ........................................................................ ..
b  9. The list  in the
shall be spread  the public. There follows
.......................................................................................................................................... ...........................
........................................................................................................................... ..........................................
............................................................................................................ .........................................................
10.  the seal of the Company's
common stamp  this
message  11. The company is
a racial / No.  message  Regulation
(Signature) ............... .. ........................ .. .................. President  applicant
(................................. ........................ ...)
of the  ............ .. ......... Number of the  Company Limited ............................................................
request documentation for
the vehicle. ......... .. ............... ...... / ....... ...... (Signature) ............ .. .... .... ................ ...... Registrar
(......................... .................................................. ....)
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
A B x

3 items gradually BAE has established company
Beautiful beautiful beautiful........................ Limited Registration เลขท

. Beautiful beautiful beautiful...
(capital. Beautiful... Beautiful................). Bae operating out in 2002...................... I will remember... Stock securities worth its profitability, each beautiful..............))
.(letter) (number)
B.) 1. The number, its area that งส

You NASS Neung ratings have its their 9

the presence or as open when its set out new loans and ว............ beautiful... Stock securities (.............................)
2002, common securities Beautiful... Love, securities (...)...........) one type of securities and so preferential rights........................ stock securities (.............................)
B.) 2. The amount of stock and securities, securities, common preferential is
. So ordinary securities which TA two loans from its 25-year money until the full C า (down the full value.)....................... So its. (......................)
and issued new loans is like times

.งว prescription pharmacy has its full C. After 2004 (2001 TA two down.)........................ stock securities (.............................)
ratings period, some of its value and its หุ partially. Each beautiful... Just shut down its per each..................)). ........................ Stock securities (.............................)
B.So preferential securities which TA two loans from its 25-year period until full of money (pay full value.)........................ stock securities (.........................)
and Issued new loans set

งว is like its ratings from its full C. (2001 and 2004, Ta two down.)........................ stock securities (.............................)
.The ratings used its period, some are partially and 2004 shut. Its?............... just shut down its baht (each..........))........................ stock securities (...................... …….)
B.) 3. The amount the
that its use and its 2004 period it shut its. (the only area that

. Shut down)
(relatively increased its อยร at twenty intense)
.So ordinary securities which TA two down the full value. Its used its money debt securities, and shut its 2004?......................) (.........................)
และ which TA two down its just shut up? Beautiful,...). Its used its money debt securities, and shut its 2004?......................) (.............................)
B.So preferential securities which TA two down the full value. Its used its money, securities and its prescription, so its?......................) (I will remember ……...........)
and the fleets of down its just shut up? ..................), its ratings from money, securities and its prescription, so its?......................) (.............................)
B.) 4. The amount w
.That its get coming to qualify for its financial group's shut 10

(full, is worth of debt securities)
g, ordinary, which shut down its two fleets? …… beautiful...). Its money C. Shut up securities 2001 and 2004. ... the... Beautiful...)
and which TA two down (some) only partially shut its each beautiful...Net equity securities, money C. 2001 and 2004 beautiful.......)
B., preferential securities which two down its fleets, each beautiful ……......). Its debt securities, money C 2001 and 2004. Beautiful....)
and the fleets of down (some) only partially shut its?..........................). Its money C. Securities, 2001 and 2004. ................ ')
amount C. So that its get loans at
2001 and 2003 should วมท

I, beautiful beautiful.......) (............ I will remember...... ……...............)
B e 5 its name and the
.In the period of all directors of the company, the number of............ beautiful people, as shown in detail, e.g. attached
B.) 6. A number or m

อกรรม to C is down shifting
position company. Is
beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful...
.Beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful
.... a beautiful... Beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful …… beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful
beautiful beautiful beautiful...... beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful.........
(signed by the name)...... beautiful beautiful beautiful...Beautiful... The consumer registration
(.......... beautiful............ beautiful..........)
times its,............ of the amount of.... the TA (signature). Beautiful beautiful............... Registrar
documentation word ขอท
. Beautiful beautiful /......... (..................,................... Beautiful...
a B.) in 3
B.) 7.This company set up by B
please. / 2001. Aging beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful... Love... Beautiful beautiful
B.) 8. Office of the the company has beautiful.... a net which is
office for its new net receivables. Number identification code around debt - located in its เลขท
... To... The... The... Building... The... The... The... To... To...To...,...

at two เลขท intense......... I w
...,...). Intense competition in the Pig found......... To... To... The... The... The... Pig prescription...... to...? Lane / alley... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... The...
road... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... To...? Sub-district......... The... The... The... The... The...... the... District... The... The... To... To... To... To... The......
Province... The... The... To... To... To... To... To... The... To...? The code zipcode from... To... The... The... The... The... The... The... The number rang. To... To... To... To... To... To... The...
fax number... The... To...... the... So... That...E-mail.............................................. a beautiful beautiful.........
branch offices (1) number identification code with its work. Rating - located เลขท
... To... The... The... Building... The... The... To... The...... the... The...

at two เลขท intense......... I w
...... to...? Intense competition in the Pig found......... To... The... The... The...... pig prescription......). Lane / alley... To... The... The... The... The... The... The...
road... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... To...? Sub-district......... The... The... To... To... To... The...... District......... The... The... To... To... The....
Province... The... To... The... The... The... The... The....... รหัสไปรษณีย ....................................................... หมายเลขโทรศัพท...........................................
ขอ 9. รายการอยางอ
EOSSee deserve to loans people know.

are on this beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful
...... beautiful... Beautiful beautiful...... ……...... beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful...
.Beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful
B.) 10. The seal of the company! Are w
stamps 2001 this
B.) 11. This company set B
please by a / B ratio ratings have to force
(signed) beautiful..…...... beautiful... Beautiful... The consumer patent
.(beautiful beautiful beautiful...........)
times its,............ of number........... 2004 the company beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful limited
เอกสาร assemble words ขอท
. I will remember... Beautiful... /............! (signed).................. '............. A registrar
. (... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... The... The... To...,....).
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