The purpose of describing the (Explanation Purposes)
1. to create a more intelligent (Make the System More intelligible)
2. To reveal what went wrong within the rules and knowledge base which is necessary to be Debug
(Uncover shortcomings of the Rules and Knowledge Base (debugging))
3. To describe the expected user (Explain unanticipated Situations)
4. To the satisfaction and confidence of the user both psychological and social. (Satisfy
Users' Psychological and / or social Needs)
5. to refute the assumption that it is clear to the users and creators (Clarify the assumptions
underlying the System's Operations)
6. To analyze the sensitivity of the information, To predict and test the impact of changes in
the system (Conduct sensitivity analyses)
technique of tracing rules (Rule Tracing Technique)
to explain the basic rules (Rule-Base) often involves the Tracing rules to increase
the ability. The solution provides an even more closely in the work of the facts
and rules stored in the database with the number likely important to explain the irrational. Therefore,
the expert explained. Preparing to explain the question why ("Why" Provides a
Chain of Reasoning) to describe the well in specialized large (Good Explanation
Facility is Critical in Large ES), because to understand the system or not, depends. to explain
(Understanding depends on explanation), held that the description is considered important. Most important is
the expert (Explanation is essential in ES), because most of us. The expert system used in the
training (Used for training)
two basic ways of describing the (Two Basic Explanations)
Although described as a difficult, complicated. And so powerful is necessary to
prepare the explanation for the problem of the question of a doubt that begins with the question Why and How and
question two, this is the question of need. Obama explains why people respond to such
-Why Explanations - Why is a fact requested? (Why such requests are made)
-How Explanations - How To Determine a certain conclusion was reached or Recommendation.
(You do not know what conclusions or guidelines that achieved).
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