Hua lamphong railway station offers train convoy south of Hua Hin. Pranburi and prachuap khiri Khan every day. The local train with train Bangkok-Hua Hin from Bangkok to Hua Hin 13.45 hrs time: 9.25, and Saturday-Sunday and public holidays. There is a procession of suan son pradipat shuttle a day or from Thonburi railway station. Thon buri railway-lang suan parades out time 7.20 am to Hua Hin 11.52 pm contact us for more details at the service unit. The State railway of Thailand Tel. 00 2220 4334, 1690 or Siam Flight Services Ltd., GE EA Bangkok-Hua Hin every day. 7.30 a.m. to 4 per day, travel time, 10.45 a.m., 14.15 hrs, 17.15. PM takes approximately 45 minutes for additional information, please contact Tel. 2664 6099 suvarnabhumi Bangkok 00 0 00 2134 2134 3233-4 Fax 3235 (Hua Hin), Tel. 0 3252 2300-fax 00 1, E-mail: 2302 3252 or
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