The Cao Dai Temple was finished in 1955 when the Cao Dai Army was form การแปล - The Cao Dai Temple was finished in 1955 when the Cao Dai Army was form แอฟริกา วิธีการพูด

The Cao Dai Temple was finished in

The Cao Dai Temple was finished in 1955 when the Cao Dai Army was formed following the Japanese occupation of Indochina. Caodaists believe that all religions are ultimately the same and seek to promote tolerance throughout the world.
There are nine hierarchies of worship including a pope, cardinals and archbishop with festivals, rituals and prayer all practiced regularly. The temple is similar in design to a Christian Cathedral featuring side aisles and an altar, as well as a long central nave, all positioned as they would be in a Christian Church, there is even a high dome decorated with clouds and saints.
The main focal point is a Divine Eye symbolising God which has the Ying and Yang icon in its pupil. Ceremonies take place daily with two services accompanied by musicians and a choir singing in English to traditional Vietnamese music.
The temple is best visited by BOOKING a tour due to its location close to the Cambodian border, 100km northwest of Ho Chi Minh City in the Long Than village close to Tay Nihn. Worship takes place every six hours and starts at midnight with chanting at 06:00 and 18:00 daily.

Visitors are permitted to watch from the galleries and may take photographs, knees must be covered and shoes removed before entering. Silence is requested when a service is taking place. The Cao Dai Temple is one of 1,000 Cao Dai Temples located in Vietnam.
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ผลลัพธ์ (แอฟริกา) 1: [สำเนา]
Die Cao Dai tempel klaar was in 1955 toe die Cao Dai Army gevorm ná die Japannese besetting van Indosjina. Glo dat alle godsdienste uiteindelik Caodaists Die Dieselfde Soek Verdraagsaamheid te bevorder en die hele wêreld.
Daar is hiërargieë van aanbidding Nege insluitend 'n pous, met kardinale en aartsbiskop feeste, rituele en Gebed al gereeld te oefen. Die Tempel is soortgelyk aan 'n Christelike katedraal in Design met Side gang en 'n altaar, sowel as 'n lang Sentraal skip, al geposisioneer as hulle in 'n Christelike kerk sou wees, is daar 'n Hoë Dome Selfs versier met wolke en Saints.
Die belangrikste fokuspunt is 'n Goddelike Eye God wat die Ying Yang ikoon in die leerling simboliseer. Seremonies plaasvind Daily met Twee Services vergesel deur musikante en 'n Koor Sing in Engels Tradisionele Viëtnamese musiek.
Die Tempel is die beste besoek deur die bespreking van 'Tour Weens sy ligging naby die Kambodjaanse grens, 100km noordwes van Ho Chi Minh City in die lang. as dorpie naby Tay Nihn. Aanbidding vind elke ses uur en begin om middernag met 'n daaglikse Chan by 6:00 en 18 uur. Besoekers word toegelaat om te kyk uit die galerye en neem foto's, knieë en bedek Shoes moet voor die aanvang van verwyder word. Silence versoek wanneer 'n diens is wat plaasvind. Die Cao Dai Tempel is een van 1000 Cao Dai Tempels geleë in Vietnam.

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