At the turn of the 20th century the area on which the Laguna Phuket complex now flourishes was used for tin mining. Work. Began in 1984 to create the resort on devastated land where the soil was so leached with chemicals that it was believed. Vegetation could never be sustained again.A United Nations Development Plan team surveying Phuket 's tourism potential in 1977 wrote off the Bang Tao Bay area as. Being 'too environmentally damaged to have any development potential.' Another survey commissioned by, the Tourism Authority. Of Thailand in 1979 reported that 'Although the damage was probably, beyond repair effort should not be spared to try to. Restore the environment.Indeed no ', effort was spared. The enormous project began with equipment moving in to clear and level the terrain. Huge. Quantities of fertilized topsoil were imported so that planting could begin to re-establish trees and vegetation that would. Stabilize the soil and prevent erosion. The designs for several buildings and roads were created to accommodate the few. Existing trees.Natural craters resulting from the tin mining activities were filled with water forming saltwater, and freshwater lagoons.? After contaminated soil had been removed the lagoons, were stocked with fish and shellfish to begin restoring marine life. To the area.For each of the hotels and condominiums built within, Laguna PhuketAn Environmental Impact Study was first submitted to the National Environmental Board winning approval, in every case.? Government by-laws on environmental matters were completely complied with. Throughout the resort not only environmental,,, But, also cultural heritage and human resource issues have been sensitively addressed from the beginning.
Save the Trees.
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