History Royal holiday tradition. The tradition of merit over jobs, regardless of whether it is a large, plain and less from the faith of the people in the capital as well as the work merit POI. The way of life of the people in each locality to culture. A tradition that has inherited the same areas until a generation after the needs and sustain practices. The faith of the people of northern most often corresponds to the doctrine of Buddhism, it is because that the religion has absolutely vital role in the life of the people of Panama trip. Time can be seen from the join in the tradition of merit events. Create an enormous vitality and faith towards the Buddhist belief that creating a charitable result of merit will result in the spirit of I have to go up to heaven, so in the tradition of merit over jobs. Whether it's a big job, plain and less from the faith of the people in the capital as well as the work merit POI. Source of image http://student.nu.ac.th/chollathit/images/His_2.jpg The word "POI Luang". Lanna language refers to the events that are generated from around chonongsason to celebrate the faith of the people, such as the walls of the temple Church, Temple, Hall, or cubicle. The so-called "Royal holiday", because it is a huge task that requires cooperation from the locals a lot. On the job, there will be events in both the entertainment and the marasop ritual before going to work for about 2-3 days, the villagers will have to eat the cotton woven with colorful Rai, which is adorned with silver tinsel, some pieces of woven gold is the color flag of Thailand or the embroidery is approximately 2 meters long, 12 Zodiac naksat led to the end of a bamboo stick. Faith the villagers to bring the individual home to Beijing, Tung is along the road between the villages. Tung that colorful and beautifully Along the sides of the village, it is a symbol to the people who go through it know what it is going to be measuring POI Luang. Ceremony of over popular POI held 2-3 days, the first day is called the "up" or "da da" day 2 day shopping mall called "eat" the last day called "one day", or "Tan Tan" up da kitchen is the sweet smell of the fruit is prepared food, including rice, of which the present Temple. In "kitchen Tan", which is made up of rectangular wood for these people at the top with Cape made from a stick or something for the computer appliances for the monks and novices, such as flour, SOAP, detergent, pens, pencils, books, toothbrush, to present to the Temple of.Each House is the kitchen, Tan is not the same. Some home made pictures and videos as a PO. Take a Cup, spoon some of the leading home tableware embellish chairs, for the present, with temples, where the creativity of each House. If the who's Tan, beautiful kitchen, a favorite of the audience. The main thing is the amount of Tan often take notes coming from the clutch of bamboo and lace adorned by a beautiful bouquet of floors amount. When to eat are those relatives companion guests that homeowners have needed to work it would have to raise the deck with rice. Alcohol drugs, fish feed, which is today considered the grill is fun. Dawn just as Tan. The kitchen has been the source of each home to Wat Tan. The atmosphere today, the more raucous fun that each House will have a marasop brass band leading the kitchen House Sdn Bhd. Relatives would come out together dancing romvong. At the same time, they see a bustling atmosphere inside. With all the old people. Young children Merchant Merchant items sold include laypeople, as well as the monks faith God elements at work in accordance with the invitation of host. Monk at aratna as God bless or God is God pan? tu with the melodious sounds of water with a figure of speech writer because I want to make each faith brought blessing Tan kitchen. God bless may narrate beauty Sdn Bhd of its people led birth Tan kitchen helps grateful. Best nearby the temple folk marasop folk opera, such as software to watch. POI Luang will work day and night for a period of several days. In some villages. The night will be a lot of work, because someone's lunch may installation tasks. It is also a chance that one will be able to meet the young talk. Traditionally the capital of Lanna POI considered to merit the greatest ritual work, which is always long, so enjoy the Royal ceremony is that everyone helps so proud. Some one may have the opportunity to have life as the owner for the capital once or twice, POI, because job capital is held a holiday when there is construction of places of worship. The importance ประเพณีงานปอยหลวงเป็นงานทำบุญเพื่อเฉลิมฉลองศาสนสมบัติต่าง ๆ เพื่อให้เกิดอานุสงส์แก่ตนและครอบครัว ถือว่าได้บุญกุศลแรงมาก นอกจากนี้ยังเป็นเครื่องแสดงถึงความสามัคคีกลมเกลียวของคณะสงฆ์และชาวบ้านด้วยเพราะเป็นงานใหญ่ การทำบุญปอยหลวงที่นิยมทำกันคือทำบุญเพื่ออุทิศส่วนกุศลให้พ่อแม่ ปู่ย่าตายาย หรือญาติพี่น้องที่ล่วงลับไปแล้วก็ได้ สิ่งสำคัญที่ได้จากการทำบุญงานปอยหลวงอีกอย่างหนึ่งก็คือ การแสดงความชื่นชมยินดีร่วมกันเพื่อความสนุกสนานเพลิดเพลินให้แก่คนในท้องถิ่นโดยการจัดมหรสพสมโภชเพราะหนึ่งปีถึงจะได้มีโอกาสได้เฉลิมฉลองถาวรวัตถุต่างๆ ได้ หรือบางแห่งอาจใช้เวลาหลายปีเพราะสิ่งปลูกสร้างบางอย่างใช้เวลาสร้างนานมาก สิ้นเปลืองเงินทองมหาศาล จะต้องรอให้สร้างเสร็จและมีเงินจึงจะจัดงานเฉลิมฉลองเป็นงานปอยหลวงขึ้นมาได้ Rituals 1 day before POI Luang called Wanda People will buy it to bring together at the temple. Called to beautify, decorate the kitchen by combining beautiful as is. This kitchen décor, which eat or KOA Sdn Bhd. In order to measure the parade Organizer POI Luang Best POI Luang, Wat to function The Board of Directors of the Tung Tung held long and Cho Chang. Applied embroidery on poles and bamboo, which the two sides stick to the temple as a symbol that this measure will have capital POI. In the evening the same day, it would be upakut (rocks) from a pier near Wat by summoning the khut, which resembles a Chamber of Commerce.
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