PoetryHear the sound of seagulls, seaIt is through the light.And there is one secret seagulls the phat mix and the flowers bloom.Hear the sound of seagulls at any time and at any hearing outside the sea gulls.Lighting came with the birds and the deerKeep it waiting.What it looking for a long time, it was the wives.This poem is said to love for a long time. Each type of bird are way different behaviour. With the development of the shape and the appropriate organs. Whether it is finding food. The communication, which is behavior that is caused by learning or social behaviour including crowd. In addition, some types of birds can provide special behaviors that mimic the sounds of birds, for example, to another type of bird wing shapes have been developed legs and mouth until there is proper style, lets find out convenient foods. Each day the birds need a lot of food because birds are quick digestion. So that no excessive body weight while flying. As usual, the birds find food to eat in the morning and afternoon. Take a break during the daytime. Birds that eat seeds or insects might find food throughout the day. Best birds to eat meat to get food when hungry. Large birds longer fasting and small birds.A bird feather in the age full of breeding season, we will see a gradual color change layout and page delivery head is dark brown in late season exodus when they are about to travel back. There is a similar pair of seagulls seagulls; borders, white wings, which is a little smaller than (see separately might not.) Key points that separate they are eye color of seagulls have winged margins for both dark and adult birds and bird name layouts. Winged edge bordered white seagulls wing half. There are no black bars and white dots 2 dots painfully ordinary seagulls can hear seagulls, Sea Ray, sea seagulls over when flowers are bloom has come up during the breeding season. Head, throat and neck are brown. The mouth and fingers are red. Fully aged will look similar to the full age range outside the breeding season, but there will be some Brown wings and black bar stripe on the tail end. There are no white bar striped wings. The mouth is red or orange, where Bishop is a gray '' orange or red with feather in each age and each season is different, and when a deer Dove to escape to sea and seagulls, because of fear of the dangers come close, but finally finding its mate is what seagulls, sea for a long time.Link experience The love of the sea and seagulls are looking for wives. But for me the idea of love is to give. There is no need to become a fan or a friend, but it is important to everyone. We must recognize, is considered one of the love of man made with pure hearts and clean compared to their own experience of love is often changed to always be happy all the time. So love is just like sea gulls out there time love will change.
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