All humans have brains too. The brain will work to understand things.All through the recognition ability and the theory of complex of human's brain
.Thinking is the behavior that occurs in the brain due to the use of the symbol for object, event or situation, various thinking process is the brain using symbolic imagery. Ideas and conceptsThe future possibility and reality appears, thinking it makes people have the brain in these processes were high. Logic, mathematics, language, imagination, attention, intelligence, creativity, and so on.Process is intellectual, which consists of contact, perception, collect, memory, the recovering old information or experience. The person bring various information stored as a system, was organized.The arrangement can show outside to others to know. Thinking is a process that occurs in the brain using a symbol or representation of objects. The event or situation. The knowledge system information.Go in both forms, ordinary and complex. The system can express หลายลักษณะ, such as reasoning and problem solving. Really, because thinking is a process that occurs in the brain,
.The brain is the organ of the body that is the center of the nervous system is centered in control and organize work, all kinds of the body. The human brain contains cells and brain about 100 million million cells (patcharee Spa2542:7) which were not different between infants and adults, but in the adult brain cells are larger and longer than, and there will be a number of brain cells. Make links between brain cells, brain cells, increased by one.Brain cell is linked to another twenty-five thousand cells to send a message. โดยกระแส nervous reaction called synapse. It depends on how the - followed, such as the reaction movement muscle.Memory, emotion and etc, it combines learning become lead adaptation, intelligence of each man. The left side of the brain to control human behavior about reasoning thinkingWorking in the line of scientific subjects (Sciences). The left side of the brain is also the control action, listening and the right brain to control human behavior of creative thinking. Moral emotion.In the line of academic arts (Arts) mostly and also controls the body of work on the left side with
.See if we use your brain to one side than on the other side, may have died, so we should use both sides of the brain, when in trouble. Finding the solution to the problem, we use the right brain. Use your imagination to find a solution.The result is overall, which realized in several ways. But at the same time, we also use the brain. The left side because we need to know what is. The ability to use analysis and management to be able. Live happily!
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