Tutankhamun born: 1341 Years before Christ, and to die: 1323 Years before Christ) is Egypt's Pharaoh, the Lord of the throne at 18 12 between 1333-1324 years before Christ. History of TutankhamunLand management, it falls to the Vizier Ay Tutankhamun section is reigning in his short-lived reign as 9 years old, died before Tutankhamun, it died unexpectedly Vizier Ay was built upon a simple Tomb.Approximately two hundred years later. Pharaoh's Tomb have been created that have evolved over the tomb of RAM 6 Tutankhamun in spite of it workers, but thought that individuals do not have initial proposals on the tomb of Tutankhamun is the most complete mausoleum.Tutankhamun and Ankhesenamun marriage with Mrs. King His daughters, he was 3 of 6 in "Mrs. Nefertiti, Pharaoh's wife is the first element, tape 4 Home Amen Princess from Mika Tan hotel (Mitanni), which is one of the ancient Kingdom located in the North of the land of Mesopotamia.Tutankhamun passed away suddenly for an unknown reason. In spite of the still commemorate Yun also reached No 19 also, there are no hereditary element chansa-SI suppliers dresses with opportunistic rushing so ai Queen Madam, to occupy the land of Egypt to.
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