Food and feeding a chicken egg.Food-chicken eggs. Food is the most important element that would make raising chickens, eggs have gains or losses due to production costs, approximately 60-70 percent of the total cost will be. Chicken eggs, in addition to food for living Growth also must be applied in the production as well. There will be food requirements vary in each age range of chicken. The Fed will lower production costs on the part of the meal. Can be done by assembling the recipes that are cheap but good quality. Select the use วัถุดิบ pet food that is seasonal and food prices as well as the most effective way to eat chicken. In order to obtain good quality eggs and low costs. The chicken will grow as well. There is strength and provide more eggs. Need to be able to eat enough food and good eating regularly every day. In General, foods that raise a chicken egg contains six types of nutrients in the following ways: 1. protein-protein is the most important nutrients for animals of all kinds, consisting of different types of amino acids are nutrients that help to create tissues that are essential to the growth of the body and helps to build and repair maintenance parts of the body, such as fur, leather, bone nails, various internal organs, blood, and as a component of productivity, such as eggs, as well as to be used in the creation of another body. The food is normally used to feed chicken and eggs, and are composed of protein, approximately 13-19 percent, depending on the age of the chicken. 2. carbohydrates are the nutrients such as starch and sugar. Is responsible for providing energy, warmth and keeps the chicken fat carbohydrates as a source of energy in the body, to be used in the operation of the various organs for living? Growth and productivity, such as eggs, etc., are considered the main food dophaiderot car, because carbohydrates are the ingredients in recipes, chicken egg is approximately 38-61 percent, depending on the age of the chicken. Carbohydrates are divided into 2 guys by the way is the sugar and flour, with a lingering sentiment most carbohydrates sources derived from plants. 3. น้ำ น้ำเป็นส่วนประกอบที่สำคัญของร่างกายไก่ ร่างกายไก่มีน้ำเป็นส่วนประกอบประมาณ 60-70 เปอร์เซ็นต์ ลูกไก่อายุ 1 วัน มีน้ำเป็นองค์ประกอบ 85 เปอร์เซ็นต์ และจะลดลงเมื่ออายุมากขึ้น น้ำมีหน้าที่สำคัญต่อร่างกาย เช่น ช่วยในการย่อย การดูดซึม การรักษาระดับความร้อนปกติในร่างกาย และช่วยในการขับถ่ายของเสียออกนอกร่างกาย น้ำนับเป็นสารอาหารที่จำเป็นและมีความสำคัญที่สุด เพราะถ้าไก่ขาดน้ำจะทำให้ไก่ไม่อยากกินอาหารและอาจถึงตายได้ ดังนั้นเกษตรกรจะต้องหาภาชนะใส่น้ำจืดสะอาดตั้งไว้ให้ไก่กินได้ตลอดเวลา หากไก่ขาดน้ำจะแคระแกร็น และการสูญเสียน้ำไปเพียง 10 เปอร์เซ็นต์ของร่างกายจะสามารถทำให้ไก่ตายได้ 4. fat fat as a source of energy to the body, as well as carbohydrates and fat for energy, but are more than about 2 times the fat tend to have certain types of fatty acids that have parted for the body, the warmth makes the fat and improves its edible food. Fat is a nutrient that is derived from animal fats and vegetable oils. Divide the quantity is too much grease will cause the body to take liquids or wet floor causing diarrhea, watery primer will spoil quickly. 5. vitamin vitamins as nutrients that are essential for the growth and life of chickens. Help build strength and revitalization as part of the body. Create resistance to disease and the nervous system. Your body needs vitamin a little so that the reaction of the body to perform normally, but it does lack nutrients. Vitamins are divided into two major groups according to the wombatnai you melt fat soluble vitamins is vitamin e good for such applications with vitamins soluble in water, such as vitamin b and vitamin c. If the chicken lacked vitamin will make a chicken to grow slowly and are a particular type of vitamin deficiency diseases. 6. the nutrition, minerals that are used in creating the skeleton. Growth create blood. Create eggshell and so on. Animal body with minerals are composed of approximately 3 percent of the weight of the minerals calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium and chlorine, iron, sulfur, manganese, cobalt, copper, iodine, and zinc.
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