1. subject to the Ministry of industry and fire alarm in the factory, b.e. 2552 is defined in. Section 5-automatic fire extinguishing system "12 plant with storage facilities for raw material or product which is a flammable object with consecutive spaces ranging from 1,000 square metres or more, you must install a fire extinguishing system, automatic fire extinguishing systems such as water distribution head Auto (Automatic Sprinkler System) or other equivalent systems to cover that area." "13. the installation of the system, even auto-fire (Automatic Sprinkler System), in accordance with international standards, that is acceptable." "14. storing flammable materials with an area of 14 square meters or more, you must install an automatic sprinkler system that fit in the space." 2. Ministerial Regulation No. 33 (b.e. 2535) issued pursuant to the building control Act b.e. 2522 about automatic sprinkler extinguishing system provided for in. "An 8 tall buildings or large buildings must provide an automatic fire extinguishing system, such as the SYSTEM or another system that SPRINKLE the equivalent that can work on their own when there's a fire can make the whole area covers all floors. In this connection, the plan and the plan's automatic sprinkler system on each floor of the building with modern facilities. " Which is based on Ministerial Regulation No. 33 (b.e. 2535) tall buildings or large buildings must comply with this Ministry, whether? "The tall building" means a building in which individuals may access or usage by height, from 23.00 m upwards. Measuring the height of a building measured from ground level to the deck slab construction. For style gable or hip, measured from ground level to the top of the wall construction. "Extra large building" means a building that is constructed using the building or any part of the building is residential or business of one category or categories by area on every floor, or one class which class in the same back from 10,000 sqm upwards. Which you may have considered *** your factory *** Access to the network, to obey the laws of two or not, that if to consider the following network access that area. Materials and equipment within the area. Installing a water distribution system for the head, a fire, and then, if appropriate, or not, that is not appropriate, it may have other systems installed automatic firefighting systems such as e.g. carbon dioxide instead of it?
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