The criteria list to evaluate the full score (score) score at
(score) support
1. Personnel
1.1 have directive committee level. Dhcc.
1.2 is meeting the orders, both at the district level and district level, every 1-3 month (1)
1.3 guide and CPG in patient care, can be applied in patient care, at least 5 disease. In the Long term care situation of the area. (1)
1.4 personnel have the skills and can choose to use a specific tool disease. According to the condition of problem patients appropriately, such as INHOMESS (1), PPS scale (0.5), ESAS (0.5) = (2)
1.5 personnel have knowledge about disease. (0.5) drugs (0.5)
complications (0.5) and can separate screening bed type patients with appropriate screening and timely referrals (0.5) = (2)
11.5 documents order Committee
the conference record.Documented evidence guide home visit from the Bureau of nursing and patient care CPG
by CPG has both ard general discussion
and must be approved by the medical consultant
.The interview and the location of home visit demonstrates the use of specialized tools and evaluation of main disease from base proper documentation with each patient, disease and save the home visit
(if know but not practical. Boldface type tool that)
from record home visit interview team visiting the house. And see the separate type bed
references from the designated health services. 8
in the resolution that can add space
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