This month next month because of the Muslim people of the glorious month of doing good deeds and months of asking forgiveness. Everyone is different, Muslim, many of these many months. Today the teacher rose sadai bring articles on Ramadan to people who are interested in receiving this month that are important and welcome this month what up?!Ramadaan (Arabic: ramadan) or spell waiting for Ma ton or 9 month of Ramadan is the Islamic calendar or Muslim calendar month of Islamic fasting month. For this reason, it calls another a month for ordination, and is considered one of the most important months. Muslims must abstain from food, to have the feeling to people who did not receive care from society, such as the poor, etc., and this month is also the month that the spirits have been lining the Al comes down with a Muslim man must therefore be recited the Quran to learn what God wants men to know that it is in this world and the world will face backpack through however, and will need to do the how? Special activities of Muslim schools and soon the taraweeh hakhue เวี Oh ya, in the evening of the month.How to welcome RamadanHow aldaaa 1The servant (invocations) to Allah, we have made our life IBA Fukuda hanai Ramadan again. By phlanamai wonderful health.أنه قال كان النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم إذا دخل رجب قال ( اللهم بارك لنا في رجب وشعبان وبلغنا رمضان ( رواه أحمد والطبراني )THA final nat Nui Ibn Malik reported that when the Prophet peace be upon him for months and then crumpled. Sonlan WA Lam lohu College Hill, the Sullivan would say "Oh Allah let us have crumpled to prosper in the months and months of waiting, Cha-UAT and aban let us achieve the Ramadan," he said.(Recorded by Ahmad and top waiting for นีย)Those reflecting individual Fulton saso, and so too will the hamak several months have achieved Ramadan and so to give good response to Allah made in Ramadan.دعاء رؤية الهلالWhen Muslims see a Crescent Moon of Ramadan as I said hahai Tsuen.الله أكبر اللهم أهله علينا بالأمن والإيمان والسلامة والإسلام والتوفيق لما تحب وترضى ربي وربك الله[ رواه الترمذي , والدارمي , وصححه ابن حبان["Al lohum Al ban lohu promote Ma-a-lala-am, the University of Bilbao, the Hu na e-Lottery comes to dusty Valley Ma Te 21-la Music Festival furnace innovative laminated Lima tan Phuoc hue do wa wa babu Robbie Rob BU lohu GAL"That "Allah hath kriang Krai Oh Allah please give (the Crescent Moon) appears to us with the welfare and security of Islamic faith in something he loves and. His publications and he is Allah, "he said.(Recorded by tin-c and there are also services, David. Ibn babanklao เฮี ya so "hip" new-Hijjah)2 way alshakerWelcome Ramadan with a sense for the divine grace of Allah he served on the health, life and finally had a chance to go into Ramadan and other indications of haik one year, which is the glory of man valuable Messenger of Allah has been good to give a chance for this month's virtue.V-WA said mana had aimed to know what he likes to do for everyone. When receiving a bounty from Allah, to thank him for praising mosque yut or gratitude.We have fasting Ramadan, another year is a mighty bounty that should say thanks to Allah by doing, for example, fits เนี Prefecture hani.Alsoror 3 wayWelcome Ramadan with a congratulations A grateful like Prophet y when near Ramadan.( جاءكم شهر رمضان , شهر رمضان شهر مبارك كتب الله عليكم صيامه فيه تفتح أبواب الجنان وتغلق فيه أبواب الجحيم ... الحديث . ( أخرجه أحمد )"Ramadan to the guys and then a month of Ramadan is to prosper even more. The law of Allah, ye fasting this month. The doors of heaven will be opened, and the gates of hell are closed, "he said.(Save by elahe มอะ from punch)Among the atsa Fulton saso hacha and showing empathy and glad to welcome Ramadan. Because it is a symbol of faith to feast upon a chance to perform good deeds as a means to the mercy of Allah (peace be upon him)4 way altkhtitWelcome Ramadan with a plan and intention to get benefits, and the result was a truly juicy Akita hacha skirt can be planned to the world looks like asceticism that people usually plan for this world.For example, in the planning for Ramadan is to arrange the tables do da IBA-Hijjah. How many types of deeds, and time management in the system this month.5 ways to almethak alakidWelcome Ramadan with a contract with Allah, God, please, we facilitate, follow indications of IBA-Hijjah and sincerely, this is the promise and innocence, because Allah Wa Hana soup Hu TA, La, he promised.( فَلَوْ صَدَقُوْا اللهَ لَكَانَ خَيْرَاً لَهُمْ )"So if they are sincere towards Allah, it will be helpful to them," he said.And the Prophet (s) ever said to the disciples, he said.( إِنْ تَصْدُقِ اللهَ يَصْدُقْكَ )"If you sincerely to Allah Allah, the adopting person," he said.6 way alalamWelcome Ramadan with a study on pursuit of knowledge about fasting and the closest to the problem is to prepare practical indications of IBA-Hijjah correctly. Because we are using, ask those who know something that we don't know, so is our duty every man must take care of knowledge about it, and don't assume it's small because of the effects that do not know the principles of fasting may cause loss of the merit which we strive, pursuit was more energetic on the. It makes us feel no loss by the.How altawba 7Welcome Ramadan with intentions far. Discard all kinds of mistakes and repent, pure heart. Because the oven is obliged to respect those of bat (reformed) in all the time. When Ramadan is also a chance that we must bat for furnace. Because if you can't repent in the month, when told to repent.الطريقة السابعة : علينا أن نستقبله بالعزم على ترك الآثام والسيئات والتوبة الصادقة من جميع الذنوب , والإقلاع عنها وعدم العودة إليها , فهو شهر التوبة فمن لم يتب فيه فمتى يتوب ؟" قال الله تعالى : { وَتُوبُوا إِلَى اللَّهِ جَمِيعاً أَيُّهَاالْمُؤْمِنُونَ لَعَلَّكُمْ تُفْلِحُونَ } [ النور : 31].Villa
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