หน้าปกของหนังสือเล่มนี้ เป็นรูปภาพปืน FN P-90 หน้าปกมีสีดำเป็นส่วนใหญ่ มีเขียนชื่อของหนังสือคือ Gun gale online squad jam และมีเขียนชื่อผู้แต่งคือ reki kawahara
The cover of this book is the picture P-90 FN guns black cover a large part of the book's name is written is the Gun gale online squad, and jam with reki kawahara is the author writing.
The cover of the book Picture a gun FN P-90 cover, with a black majority. The name of the book is written with Gun gale online squad jam and writes author is reki kawahara.
The cover of this book is a picture FN P-90 gun cover is black, mostly have written the name of the book is Gun gale online squad jam. And write the name of the author is reki Kawahara.