The tools you need to use Photoshop1. the Marquee Tool (shortcut key: M) is used for creating Selection behavior creates a dashed line to define the scope of what we are, which is a tool that must be used very frequently, with 2 way is to create a rectangular boundary circles by the right dokli can be selected at the Marquee Tool.2. the Lasso Tool (shortcut keys are L) used for creating Selection are the same, but it is different with the Marquee Tool meets the characteristics defining the scope by right-clicking a Lasso Tool will have to choose from three different types of applications.-The first is to bring a mouse to draw boundaries that we want.Polygonal Lasso Tool-2 models will determine the scope of the individual points, which would have been dashed as a straight line.The Magnetic Lasso Tool 3-form is determined by the scope of the instruments used in drawing from a different color (commonly used in editing)3. the Eraser Tool (shortcut key E) see from the photo, it can be, then that is the eraser for deleting things that don't want to go out.4. Hand Tool (shortcut key H but pressing and hold the Spacebar and drag the mouse over the screen) 5. Move Tool (shortcut key V) is used for moving what we want by drag-and-drop down left mouse click.6. the Magic Wand Tool (shortcut key W) used for creating Selection in a single click by the Selection that has the same tone as we click.7. Brush Tool (shortcut key: B) is used for normal drawing, but it can be changed by means of the brush head on the Web there are so many common to load the Brush, which will create beautiful patterns, there is no need to draw even.8. the Gradient Tool (shortcut key G) used for chasing the colors in the area where you want to have the option to adjust the color stop.By right-clicking a Gradient Tool is another tool, Paint Bucket Tool is used for pouring paint into the Selection we made (private, I rarely use the Paint Bucket Tool, but it will take to press Alt + Del in order to color a)9. Burn & Dodge Tool Tool (shortcut key O) Dodge Tool used for draining the color brightness occurred to best Burn Tool is used for cooling pieces, color saturation occurred.10. Horizantal type Tool (คีย์ลัด T) เป็นเครื่องมือสำหรับพิมพ์ตัวอักษร โดยสามารถพิมพ์ตรงส่วนไหนก็ได้ (สามารถเพิ่ม Font เพื่อใช้งานได้)
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