I thank you for the love you have for me
.I tell you, that I will send email to you every day, because I have the pleasure to write to you and you are the ones that make me smile and happy to read email from you and make me wait to be able to read email from you every day. Thank you for giving my wife for being a laze. I'm very lucky to have known you, and I hope you will not make me disappointed and regret because I seriously love this so much I didn't want anything from you, I want to do is love and sincerity that you have warm arms and (b)Your I want from you just as you are everything for me soon
Now you well? Your work is? Are you tired from work and relax, I was worried, you don't forget to eat and take care of myself, really
?Your mother is? he fine silk drop nostalgic to you.
I miss you my lovely man.
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