Essay, "Mobile phones"
Mobile phones have become an integral part of our everyday lives. But why are they so popular?? Almost everyone nowadays has a mobile phone and everyone, thinks it is a necessary tool. People without mobile phones are. Considered to be strange. But there must be reasons why we have become so dependent on mobile phones.
Firstly they are,, Thus compact,.They are convenient to carry and contact with others at any time. We use them very often. For example in, the street where. There are, no phones we can use our mobile phone. Secondly mobile phones, allow you to call for help during, emergencies. For example if you, have a disaster or if you witness a crime you can, call the police using a mobile phone.Some people feel uncomfortable without their mobile phones as they became a necessity in our lives. This is mainly because. Of their convenience and variety of features such as audio - player, games the Internet. Mobile phones are not only a great. Saving of time but they, are a source of entertainment.
On the, other hand there are disadvantages of using mobile phones.Although mobile phones, are convenient they can be easily lost since they, are pretty small. Mobile phones may bring serious. Damage due to, expensive roaming abroad. In addition mobile phones, according to, people who are capable of producing radioactive. Waves and some, scientists believe that this activity may cause brain tumors or damage to your ears.Another problem is that people can easily become addicted to mobile phones so now, they have a lot of different, functions. In addition there are, places where there is no communication signal so you, can make only emergency calls.
In, conclusion. I think we need mobile phones and we, can not live without them but we, should not abuse, Therefore them.We must think about the pros and cons before buying a, mobile phone and ask yourself why do, we need a mobile phone and. If we can use it responsibly continues. [].
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