The festival which best epitomizes Vietnam’s cultural identity is Vietnamese New Year or Tet, which is the phonetic deformation of “Tiet”, a Sino Vietnamese term which means “Joint of a bamboo stern” and in a wider sense, the “beginning of…
The festival which best epitomizes Vietnam's cultural identity is Vietnamese New Year or Tet, which is the phonetic deformation of "Tiet", a Sino Vietnamese term which means "Joint of a bamboo stern" and in a wider sense, the "beginning of...
The festival which best epitomizes Vietnam's cultural identity is Vietnamese New Year or Tet, which is the phonetic deformation of "Tiet", a Sino Vietnamese term which means "Joint of a bamboo stern" and in a wider sense, the "beginning of ...
The festival which best epitomizes Vietnam 's cultural identity is Vietnamese New Year or Tet which is, the phonetic deformation. Of "Tiet", a Sino Vietnamese term which means "Joint of a bamboo stern." and in a wider sense the ", beginning of...