the dead body of the deceased was to clean out the pump organs within the hook that makes a bronze hook took the brain out through the snoring, and then use a knife made from flint and steel which are very sharp to cut side of the body to bring out the liver, kidney, stomach,Lung and intestine was removed from the rest of the heart
Why not take heart out from the body, because it believed that his heart is the center of soul
these organs within it will be replaced with a type of material sawdust, linen,mud, and the incense of organs
then all will be used to rinse with palm wine is finished, and then it will be brought down in a rectangular container lid known as the Casino casinos, bingo, and the body will be taken to document the use of salt for about 7 - 10 days
When body is completely dry, it is coated with the oil and then there will be a decorated pine trees and thousands of dead, white linens with a damp cloth and then complete the Mummies resin will be used in a coffin with talismans.
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