Preparation of the machine used to feeding on tires. Liquid food that is prepared for the patient as well as the patient's medication is provided after a meal, with (according to the method of preparation used to feed patients who tyre road) Sleeping posture, the patient is at least 45° head high on the list of the patients do not feel themselves should provide the support pillow. Since then till the head by using cushion 2 large orders or provide the patient sit in a Chair or bed, Chair, leaning. Who will provide food to wash hands, clean by hand methods, that is how? In patients with neck piercing snorkel, suck phlegm in throat, windpipe before to prevent patients with cough. There are a lot of phlegm while feeding on rubber strap. Prevent complications of lung inflammation due to choked food How to properly wash hands afterwards sucking phlegm the patient. Pull the cap off the end of the feeding line out jacks. At the same time, use your finger to khip-folded against the wind into the patient's stomach because they will make the patient flatulence. Use cotton buds dampened with boiled cooked Wipe the rubber stopper on the line feeding Remove the cylinder, feeding with a cylinder head and release the finger to khip-out. Test to see that at the end of the hose to the food in the stomach or by. Use water absorbing food or feeding cylinder from spores. If there are a lot of birth is 50 cc. To push food. Restore water to slowly and deferred 1 hour at a time. And then there is tested to see if it does not exceed 50 cc, pressure feed water back to slowly and feeding.If the suction it out. There is no food on it at all, sucking air into the feed cylinder. Approximately 20 cc And then connected to the line, ready to take the other side of the hand or the ear attached to the left under construction (male) Wind pressure in the cylinder, into the stomach, slowly. If the wire is in the stomach will feel. Or hear the sound of the wind, into the stomach and then sucked the wind out with perhaps around 20 c, it does not matter.If they suck then have dark-brown liquid and nursing consult your home. Because a patient may have problems with a wound in the stomach. Folding hose Disconnect the feeding bottle. Remove the piston from the cylinder and the cylinder to the Wire feeding. Pour the food supply at a time of approximately 50 cc cylinder lift cylinder, about 1 foot above the patient leave the food flows to the line slowly, do not feed flow speed. If the speed must decrease because of lower cylinder feeding too quickly will cause the patient's nausea and vomiting. Abdominal pain or diarrhea to walk Additional cylinder holders do not increase food, food in the lower cylinder until the air in the line, because the air will cause the patient's flatulence. When the last meal, almost sterile water and medicine after the prepared food. Water on again until the medication is not stuck in the hose and there should be no water left in the. Fold the cable release socket, wipe out food with a water dampened cotton jacks cooked boiled off the cap on the connector completely. The patient sleep in tha head height, or sit back and continue to feed approximately. 1 hour
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