Who do you have dinner with What do you do in the evening ฉันไปออกกำลังกายที่ฟิตเนส What do you have for lunch ฉันไปมหาวิทยาลัยโดยรถโดยสารประจำทาง Arrive Where do you usually have lunch โรงอาหาร
Who do you have dinner withWhat do you do in the eveningHow to exercise at the fitness center.What do you have for lunchI go to University by busArriveWhere do you usually have lunchThe cafeteria.
Who do You have Dinner with What do You do in the evening I went to the fitness What do you have for lunch , I went to the University by bus Arrive Where do You usually have Lunch cafeteria.
Who do you have dinner with.What do you do in the evening.I work out at the fitness center.What do you have for lunch.I go to school by bus.Arrive.Where do you usually have lunch.The cafeteria.