I feel that this week passed. Like I haven't done anything. On Monday, I wake up in the morning, I go to school. I up the classroom to study chemistry. Today I learned all chemicals 4 periods. It's been a long cable.Because the lecturer in physics to be busy. After that, we go to eat lunch at the cafeteria. After lunch we have another 1 subject
.After that, we will be empty. We do we have free time, until the end, but not all of it. In the evening, we go to the cafeteria. We buy empty eat here.Now it is not conclusive. We plan to meet again next week. On Tuesday my life go on a day like any other. Isn't there anything special
.On Wednesday I with my friends have a test in English. This test is not very difficult. My score is not out and bad. I feel it like that!On Thursday, my friends and I have a test in computer science, I was very happy, because I scored the most สอบสูง room. It makes me feel good that I have in my area of expertise is
.Tomorrow is the last day of this week, I have to come to school. I hope that only good things come, as well as the other day:).
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