The history of the Albert Einstein
first name Albert Einstein (England)
Albert 1er ein customers (Germany)
born 14 March 2422
District, Ulm The province got art but Berg, Germany
died 18 April 2498
.City, New Jersey, and the United States print stun
- professional physicists, mathematicians
nationality German (the 2422 - 2439 2457 - and 2476)
Swiss (the 2444 - 2498)
American (the 2483 - 2498 race, Jews, Germans)
.The highest degree of Ph.D., Zurich University
honors the Nobel Prize in physics 2007 2464
Einstein was born on the 14 March. Ad1879 city of Ulm, Germany, Einstein is German but Jewish descent. The father of Einstein owned shops and chemical engine named Herman Einstein Stein (Herman Einstein) later on, Einstein was 1.His father moved to Munich. Which most people in the city's Jewish as well as him, he doesn't have a problem with the neighbor ein Stein was silent. And often don't like to go out and play with friends in the same age.It has hired a tutor to Einstein at home, especially in speaking, though the speech he will be better, but he was sober. Don't go out to play with my friends, as always, when Einstein was 5 years old.(Gymnasium) the students in this school are all German and Roman Catholic Christian denomination. That Einstein's friends as well. But what he doesn't like most in school teaching is tedious.Which is how he hated the most. The Einstein didn't want to go to school. Mothers can get the solution to Einstein. By providing he studied violin and piano, but subjects. Einstein pay most attention is math.He abandoned the other subjects except music courses and learning the other is bad. Although the score math very well. He was always being teachers blame
.Later, Einstein was 15 years. Factory his father down. Due to the merger of the companies producing electrical and chemical in many places. The factory's father can't sell goods. His family moved to the city of Milan (Milan).(Italy) but Einstein did not move along, because still in school. But they missed my family very 6 after another month. He planned to medical certification that he sick with nerves.When so Einstein went to the family Milan. But before he could leave his certification in education. To study in school, other
.Later, Einstein has entered the study in mathematics and physics. At the Polytechnic College, city of Zurich (Federal Poleytechnic of Zurich). Switzerland Einstein mathematics examination score very well, the biology and English is bad.He was not selected to attend the college, then another 1 week. He received a letter from the principal Polytechnic College has invited him to go and advised him to go to college. To obtain the certificate.)After that he went to College of Switzerland in the curriculum 1 years. During this time he was living with a teacher who taught at the school. One is ein stone like the college.And creating too much approach encourages the students to learn according to their capabilities. The learning environment is also very good, because the class specific for each subject, such asVarious places, both domestic and foreign, hung by around the room, the room is a chemical equipments in modern science experiment The school also has many students.After he graduated from high school 1 years. Einstein to study in college. Technique in the Faculty of mathematics and physics as intended
.After graduation. Einstein had to join in the assistant professor at the University of เมืองซูริค, but has been rejected without proper reason
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