Aggressive antioxidant activity of vegetables in Loei province include vegetables, rake head ring. Vegetables, Burr Jew's harp vegetable Phan Bael fruit vegetables, Saudi Vegetables, in milliseconds. Straight shank-vegetable Thai Curry vegetables with recipes and vegetable phwae UV-spectrophotometer analysis of the analysis results with the machine found that the vegetable has an anti oxidant, the top three ranked by value are the concentration of the extract inhibits free radicals get 50% (IC50) is a straight shank-vegetable DPPH 9.63 ± 0.17 ABTS assay and assay is a 3.54 ± 0.65 ± phwae vegetables as DPPH 35.39 ABTS assay and assay is 10.22 14.09 ±.0.57 and vegetables slice of DPPH is ABTS assay and assay is 49.77 ± 1.51 4.70 ± 2.16, respectively. The vegetable section at least has an anti oxidant charge three concentrations of the extract inhibits free radicals get 50% (IC50) is a vegetable cultivators is assay DPPH ring 1735.42 ± ± 844.08 ABTS assay and a Thai Curry Recipes vegetables 286.17 42.05 DPPH is ABTS assay and assay be 40.36 566.37 ± ± 184.05 70.58 and Bael vegetables Saudi DPPH ABTS assay and assay, is 19.19 309.71 ± as ± 83.72 5.13, respectively.
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