After considering the above. Generally, the patterns in the service of Postal Affairs in most cases starts from a federal agency is responsible for providing postal services to the joint venture by countries in Europe, Asia, Australia and Africa. Almost every country that is a member of the Universal Postal Union (UPU), the State has a monopoly on reason, Postal Affairs mission towards society. Later, Postal Affairs, began to develop into the era of performance improvements (restructuring) to reduce the State's financial burden by modifying the format to a provider from the Government or State enterprises I backpack company in connection with the joint venture begins under the จผ dynasty.Kakhat of the main postal service provider agencies and the private sector open to postal operations as defined. The main Postal Affairs components mueaphupra are ready, they will change state from State enterprises or the State company is a private company that shares part of the State. Cancel all the monopoly and open to free competition in the Postal Regulatory Affairs and quality by State. It can be seen that there are postal affairs development, which may be divided into 3 levels: (1) Postal Affairs under the monopoly system, all. (2) the Postal Affairs under the monopoly part. At present, such as in Australia Country France Country United States-Japan The Republic of Singapore and the Federal Republic of Germany, etc. (3) Postal Affairs in a fair and free competition. At present, such as in New Zealand Uk In Finland and Sweden Etc.
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