The great wall of China (Chinese abbreviation: chang cheng chang cheng Chinese: fully;; Phin in: Chángchéng Shangcheng, English: Great Wall of China) is the only criticism I have is that the wall separating the Fort of ancient Chinese walls, most of which appear in the current generated in the Qin dynasty. This is to prevent the invaders from their tribes or Hans sayong rats (Xiongnu), the term is sometimes spelled nu sayong timber rat or a rat suang arch with Chinese civilization in the modern era from the main Zhou dynasty (c. 400 years before Christ), because they had invaded China along the frontier hotel.Nganuea on wong Hsin has ordered tens of thousands of refugees created by the border wall to protect them and their invasion into mice sayong Turks from the North. After that, the wall has been created several times by another, but later had a strange tribes from Mongolia and Manchuria to invade their great wall of China successfully.The great wall of China is still called the wall ten thousand li (China, wan li chang cheng: abbreviation; China cheng li chang fully pin; 萬: in: Wànlĭ Chángchéng Aloe Li Chang Cheng), the Office of the national culture in nganmondok, China, June 6, 2012 announced that archaeologists have been measuring the length of the building from the humans, the largest in the world, or "the great wall of China" is the official exclusive long 5 years from 2008-2012, and found that the longer than originally recorded only 2 or 21, originally from 196.18 8850 kilometers covering an area of 15 county across the country. [1] it is one of the seven wonders of the medieval world. There is believed to be a Chinese city if you look from outer space will be able to see the great wall of China, which in reality is not visible from space.History [edit]The great wall of China, built over 2500 years ago, from before the days of Emperor chin Hong teh CD first in Chinese history. The aim is to prevent invasions from northern tribes, with further construction by Hong teh elements later again he finally succeeds in the end. The great wall of China is a wonderful construction one of the world's best ever.There are some facts about the great wall of China is as follows:1. we are not able to see the great wall of China from the moon. There are no buildings built by human beings. Even one that can be seen from the Moon orbit earth low-level, we can see the great wall of China using radar to see the great wall of China is going to be difficult because of the color of the great wall of China is a natural color with the color of the Earth. Stone2. the great wall of China is not a hindrance at any length. In fact, the great wall of China was built in many multi age lasted millennia. It is connected to the wall each section into a horizontal stretch thousands of kilometers.3. the great wall of China is a virtual construction of the Tomb. It has been recorded from prisoners of war, and 1 million people thatkwa is used as a shade puzzling construction to the great wall of China, where many died because of exhausted and hungry, where deceased bodies are buried under the walls themselves. Centuries and the great wall of China was named as a graveyard with the longest in the world. As well as every one of the feet of the great wall of China is one of life's great wall construction.4. the length of the great wall of China until now still no one knows the exact length of the great wall of China. In Chinese, it is called the great wall of China as the "ten thousand Li long wall" (one of the refugees, about in length 1/3 mile) great wall of China briefly approximately in length 4 thousand miles or km 6350 FRY through the desert grass and high mountains. The height of the wall is 7 meters long and 5 meters wide.5. the construction of the great wall of China helps prevent invasion or not. To protect the authority of Mongol and Manchu and twice caused by weakness of the dynasty ruled China in the time they used the opportunity to revolt occurred during the occupation were in China, with minimal resistance.6. the great wall of China is not just the walls of every 300 to 500 yards, has a base commander to use the relay as a guard and observation is observation over 1 thousand of.7. the great wall of China as a transport route. In the first phase. The benefits of the great wall of China is that it allows the communication and transport routes, such as wild as mountains are more convenient.8. the great wall of China built up using anything as a component. Before the use of bricks in construction. The great wall of China was built using stones, Earth and wood. Sometimes there is a big sheet of plywood between the clay Pack and tied together by woven mats around Beijing, the great wall of China was built using marble. In some places the wall was built using granite. Some use clay China's west wall was built using mud. Make corruption easier. The great wall of China that we see today. Most were built in the Ming dynasty by an object, such as thankwa-resistant rocks.9. the condition of the great wall of China at this time. Report on the results of a survey of last year's conservation 2004 said that now the great wall of China that long just to see 6350 km. 1/3 only and are gradually shorten the problems occur because of a lack of care and conservation, especially from farmers who live near the great wall of China. Not interested in the Government's announcement that the great wall of China is a national treasure.Why elected world heritage site [solved]The great wall of China has been registered as a world heritage site when the 2530 (1987) Committee meeting 11th annual reign of world heritage sites in Paris, France. With the requirements and criteria for consideration [3] As follows: -Represent the masterpieces that were developed by creative and clever. -What is more influential. Push development foreseen in the design of architectural monument. Sculpture garden and landscape, as well as the development of relevant developments of human settlers who have occurred during a time in which one time or on any area of the world which has culture. -To confirm evidence of a culture or civilization that is currently visible, or that at the guling, -Outstanding examples of the types of buildings as well as agents of cultural development. Society of fine arts, science, technology and industry in the history of humanity. -Thoughts and beliefs involved.
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